[Hider=Mirena Djuric]Name: Mirela Djuric Gender: Female Age: Unknown, Early 20's Series: Assassin's Creed [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/33/03/bb/3303bbc564f53a7866b8479d8420c652.jpg[/img] [u][b]Equipment[/b][/u] --Dagger: Mirela prefers stabbing her enemies in the back since she isn't much of a combatant --Smoke Bombs: Capable of producing vast clouds of smoke that make people cough. These are mostly used to escape pursuit --Stun Bombs: A bright flash of light and a horribly loud noise that staggers enemies --Poison: Mirela can use either a poison dart to cause enemies to grow violent and attack their own allies. She also has the ability to poison people's drinks or food. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] --Acrobatic: Mirela is skilled at parkour --Stealthy: Mirela is a skilled assassin. She can move silently, listen intently and place opponents around corners without looking and can hide in plain sight simply by making herself part of a crowd. --Deadly: Mirela is capable of killing instantly nearly anyone she sneaks up upon by plunging her dagger into major organs or cutting vital arteries [u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u] --No Armour: Mirela doesn't wear armour and lives in a fairly mundane world where there is no magic. This makes her fragile. --Weak Combative Ability: While lethal she is a poor combatant, preferring to run and attempt to take her enemies by surprise later [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Mirela is nothing short of shallow. She is something of a trollop and is greedy, manipulative and lazy. [u][b]Backstory[/b][/u] In the Assassin's Creed video games there is a war between Assassins and Templars that has gone on for centuries. The Assassins serve the concept of total freedom and self responsibility and the Templars attempt to serve the greater good by controlling the thoughts and deeds of mankind through manipulation. They do so through hunting ancient relics of a long lost alien civilization that predated mankind on Earth. Mirela is a character from the 16th century. She is a gypsy but her selfishness and greed are not in keeping with their ways and most other gypsies that know her reputation despise her. These lofty goals mean nothing to Mirela, nor does she even know about these alien artifacts. All she is interested in is money. Mirela is a Templar agent, available via the multiplayer aspect of the game. She serves the Templars by providing the organization with her collection of criminal contacts. She also swindles many poor folks of their money with false medicines and magical trinkets that do absolutely nothing. [/hider]