[center][h1]Stasya Volkov[/h1] [h3]Location: Hallway → Lyra’s Room [@Airalin][/h3][/center] Slowly padding through the hallway, Stasya kept a sharp eye out for the other teens, her senses straining. Thus far, she hadn’t encountered anyone, which was just fine with her. She’d gotten enough stares at her scales from them in the auditorium. Kara hadn’t acted like she had noticed them, but then she worked for [b]them[/b]; she’d probably seen things like this before. As she continued creeping, she took note of her surroundings. In all honesty, it was a very nice looking place, like one of those fancy hotels that Stasya had seen from the outside but never been in. It was a place that Natali would have liked to have seen. Unfortunately, just because a cage was pretty to look at doesn’t change the fact that it was still a cage. Right now, however, she just wanted to go back to her room, shower, and then sleep. Then she could start thinking about how she was going to get out of her and back home. As she entered the hallway with all the rooms, she faintly heard someone crying through one of the doors. If her memory was correct, this was around where her room had been, but the crying wasn’t on that side. Recalling only a few hours(?) ago, she stopped. [i]Lyra?[/i] Was the little girl back in her room? Had she been hurt? Creeping closer, she pressed her ear to one of the doors. Yes, there was definitely somebody crying inside. Stasya bit her lip, then gently knocked on the door before opening it a crack and hesitantly sticking her head in. Hopefully she wouldn’t scare the girl this time. “Lyra?” she cautiously asked, the name thick and unfamiliar on her tongue, “С тобой все в порядке? Почему ты опять плачешь? (Are you alright? Why are you crying again?)”