[center][b][color=006400]Moryr Ruzim[/color][/b] [b][color=8dc73f]Coruscant[/color][/b][/center] Warmth and a feeling of relief flowed through Moryr as Kasari placed her hands upon her shoulders, a comforting gesture that did much to relax the squirming feelings that had been gnawing within her as her fondness for Kasari increased. The fact she shared her questioning of the council’s decision removed the feelings of self-doubt and served to reinforce that it was not just herself who questioned the wisdom behind it, somehow that made her make peace with the decision in that moment. Such a small thing however it greatly helped her to shoulder the burden of her thoughts and reinvigorate her strength and realise that she was not as ostracised as she had feared. “Where does the force guide you? I do not believe following its trail would make for a wrong choice.” The question bounced around Moryr’s head for a brief moment before she realised that in her worry and doubt she had more or less blinded herself to the will of the force, unable to see through her emotions she had allowed herself to fail the code of the Jedi and in turn failed herself. Moryr smiled again warmly and placed a hand on Kasari’s as she spoke “Thank you for your words, they do much to help. I admit that as of late I have had trouble seeing the will of the force, however I already feel myself calmed and better suited to meditate on such things. Though it would not surprise me to find that my path within the Order is now clearer to me”. It still felt a little strange to her, to be nestled within the heart of the Order as opposed to so working in the far reaches of known space. It did make her wonder now, perhaps why Mudarr chose to live and educate her in such a way – though again with their bond it seemed the most obvious answer would have been to ensure that he could continue to do so. But now it was easy for her to cast those doubts aside and focus herself upon the present. “I believe I shall go and meditate upon this now, though if it suits you I will find you and discuss my findings. I too would be most interested in meeting your Padawan properly, for even I could sense her dismay and would be happy to do what I could to settle such feelings.” She however did not add that she had felt something else, something she could not quite place her finger on, as if there was a line of the force connecting Xeviiy to something else, something bigger than she could comprehend in her previous state of uncertainty. The Cathar wanted to centre herself, reinforce her connections and her own path before once more seeing what exactly it was she could sense through the force. With another short bow Moryr left and made her way back towards her room through the temple, though now as she greeted the other Jedi she met with nods or bows she felt her actions more sincere now that her gloomy mood had abated. She wonder with a low chuckle to herself if not some of those more attuned to the delicacies of the force had not previously been able to detect the slight malevolence that had no doubt laced her feelings and wondered at the source or cause of it. In comparison she now felt more like herself, a feeling of calm and confidence returning to her. Again she smiled at herself, feeling somewhat foolish for still acting like a young kitten might when submitting to her feelings so easily. Soon she had reached her room and she sat and folded her knees and took several deep breaths before taking a final glance around the room and closing her eyes as she once more attempting to clear her mind and focus on emptying her mind, one of the more basic techniques she had been taught. From there she would be able to concentrate on deepening and widening her connection to the force and increasing her awareness and explore the feelings that would present themselves to her and follow them wherever they may lead her.