[b]September 19th 6:30am First day of school….[/b] A big yawn came from a small petite girl as she stretched her arms as far as they could go. This was the best she could do to actually waking up this morning. This morning was the very first day of high-school, and a new one at that. Her family had moved to New York in the summer and she still hasn't gotten used to the fast paced lives people lived in. With all the cars and traffic she knew she had to start quickly getting ready In order to make it to her high-school on time for her class. And she still needed to get her class schedule, locker number, and combination. She knew that today was going to be a very interesting day. The first day of school normally is. Her short legs swung over the side of her bed, her bare feet touching the cold tile floor sending a chill up her spine. [color=red][b]"Gatta remember to wear socks!"[/b][/color] she exclaimed as she rubbed her arms to get the chill away. Reaching for her dresser door she grabbed a pair of plain white socks and tossed them on right away. Next to her bed was her sneakers, she has a hard time with surfaces on her feet, she is constantly having to wear shoes, even just wearing socks bothered her without shoes on. As she slipped those on and tied them, she then continued her morning routine to get ready. This consisted of her daily devotionals, taking a shower, brushing, blow drying and styling her hair. And a little bit of makeup. She didn't wear much makeup, she didn't really see the need for it except for to cover some zits. Which everyone has, well, most people have. After finishing her long black hair styling it to be straight, she then picked out a white tank top, with a pink, short sleeved crochet shirt. Along with a long black skirt. Running downstairs she then grabbed a piece of toast [color=red][b]"Love you mom,"[/b][/color] she said as she hugged and kissed her, taking the toast out of her mouth to do so. [color=red][b]"Love you dad"[/b][/color] she did the same with her dad sitting on the couch reading a news paper. [color=red][b]"Gatta get ahead of the traffic!"[/b][/color] she exclaimed before then headed out the door into her white Subaru to start off her journey to school. As she got to school she grabbed the very few spots there were left. There was a bunch of people there for being early, she ended up getting there about quarter after seven thirty. Leaving the house at seven. It wasn't that bad of a drive, it was just very long, and she lived across town at that. Putting her keys in her purse she then put her phone on silent and stuffed that inside as well. Now was the start of her junior year in high-school.