[@Asura] Clearly it's just the Waif pretending to be Arya though so it's all good. [@Lo Pellegrino] I guess so-- but it's also just as much that they're conflating the roles of characters in the show. And while it can thematically work now, it'll be harder to keep it up later on. Also [hider=Crazy Theories +]1. Well we know Varys is going to teleport around at least. 2. Solid 3. Damn 4. Also solid theory 5. Fuck I really want Petyr to have a master plan to end monarchy and seriously not just wanna fuck Salsa 6. Salsa's a Stark, through and through though-- She wants the North. Like, to the point that she purposefully endangered Jon by having him rush into battle without informing him of the incoming Vale Knights, and they could have easily just starved the Boltons out of Winterfell by sitting on the surrounding supply lines. They aren't going to last long during winter without outside supplies, honestly I couldn't see Ramsay's forces, which support him out of fear anyway. She clearly doesn't give half a damn about the Vale, in the show she was so eager to get out that she married a dude she didn't even ask anything about because he was Warden of the North. Sorry if I'm writing too much-- but I keep thinking of the scene where she met LF the first time this season, and she had Breinne behind her, and it was a spitting image of Cersei and the Mountain. I think they're going to emphasize how similar she's becoming to Cersei. And a big thing with Cersei is that she does whatever she can to avoid marriage, even though it's one of her greatest political tools. I think we'll see that from Salsa as well. Plus Sweetrobin is way out of Salsa's league. 7. But what about the Stormlands? 8. Something tells me Asha (Yara yara) wants to hang around Dany if you know what I'm saying wink wink 9. Maybe but literally no one is going to believe him unless HOWLAND REED EVERY FUCKING SHOWS UP TO CONFIRM. Also when is anyone going to read Robb's will legitimizing Jon lol 10. I could see it. 11. It would be a tragic end to his character if he chose to let Cersei burn down King's Landing and finish what Aerys started, in a way he'd be affirming the vows of a knight not to hurt their lord no matter what-- even though by this point it's doubtful he'll even be a real knight or Cersei's lover. 12. Yooo I think this is the best interpretation of the valenquar prophecy I've ever seen. 13. As long as Dany and Yara bang idk tbh fam[/hider]