As she approached the school, she didn't know what she would expect, or what to expect for that matter. Anything could happen on this day, there was no telling what it was. But she had a feeling something was going to happen, but she just didn’t know what. She continued walking past people and through the front halls of the school. A sigh escaped, it was a happy sigh. But yet, also a sad one. She missed her old school, but there had to be something good out of coming to this school right? They had to move here due to her fathers business, which she didn't really want to move to New York. For some she may have seemed crazy for even thinking that, but there was just something she didn't like about the really fast pace people. Yes she did like to keep busy, but not that busy where every minute of your day is planned. School was just a must, that didn't bother her, but after school it seemed that everyone had somewhere to go, and somewhere to be. But not Mary, she didn't have anywhere specific that she needed to be after school, which was a good thing. As she walked through the halls she saw a bunch of fliers for different clubs and such, she decided to not really pick one today, she was going to see how today went before she decided on if she even wanted to join a club. It'll keep her from just staying home all day, she doesn't have a job but she is looking for one. She hopes that after school she could maybe go look around, but she isn't sure if she should. A small yawn came out as she then passed by some lockers. Two boys where talking, she tried not to pay attention to them, she doesn't like it when people think she is ease dropping. Which she doesn't do that, she just is very observant and if she's too close to someone she just automatically hears what they say, even if she isn't trying to pay attention to the conversation. Suddenly one of the boys then called her over. Her head looked over, her light blue eyes scanned both of the boys, then looked at the taller one once more. She noticed the other guy had called her baby, why did he do that? She was defiantly not HIS baby. She rolled her eyes at that. She walked over but stayed a good distance from them but still enough to be able to talk. [color=red][b]"Did you just call me baby?"[/b][/color] she said raising an eyebrow, [color=red][b]"now do you call all the girls that, or do you just call the new people that?"[/b][/color] she said waiting for an answer. This defiantly was going to be an interesting day.