Damien grunted and pursed his lips as tightly as he could, realizing Skip might have just bit off more than he could chew. This wasn't the first time Skip had been so forward, and like usual it was about to get him burned yet again as it had time and time before. Skip smiled and said,"Well honestly no not all of them and certainly never a new one until now that is.Of course you have a lot going on that many a lady does not have." Damien lightly tugged on Skip's arm. "Skip I wouldn't-"He started. Skip lightly jerked away and continued talking. "Pardon me for not introducing myself, the names Skip Jackson.Legend amongst these hallways." Damien tugged on Skip's sleeve again,"I'm begging you stop talking."He said louder than before. Skip rolled his eyes and said without turning around,"D, please, I'm trying to talk the sweet young lady here,"he then addressed the small girl,"so anyway, perhaps we can get better aquatinted today at lunch.Or perhaps after school over a pizza just down the street?How bout it,hmmm?" His grin now wider than ever.