Mary waited as the boy was going to speak. [color=red][b]"A lot going on?"[/b][/color] she commented with a raised eyebrow. What does he mean by that, this guy certainly didn't seem like the "Relationship" type of guy. She glanced over at the guy who tugged this guys arm warning him not to continue. The boy finally introduced himself as Skip. [color=red][b]"Hmm, skip, interesting name, but what makes you such a legend?"[/b][/color] she was curious to see how highly this guy thinks of himself. Then the boy warned him again not to continue. Mary couldn't help but grin, this guy knew what he was talking about, this Skip guy was going nowhere with her. She laughed when he called her a sweet young lady, [color=red][b]"Oh so I went from baby, so sweet young lady…okay then"[/b][/color] And then he finally said what his goal was. Or at least his goal for today. He wanted to get to know her, which she found very hard to believe by just the first impression. This other guy, who Skip referred to as D, seemed interesting, especially since he actually tried to refrain Skip from saying these words, which if Skip was smart, he would've listened. A sigh escaped her lips after hearing his proposal. She almost laughed at his big grin, [color=red][b]"Aww, I would love to, but no I could probably think of something better to do, now if you excuse me I still need to find the front office so I can get my things before I end up late to class because of you."[/b][/color] And with that she then glanced over at the other guy and then started walking away trying to find the main office. She knew it'd be hard, especially since that Skip guy wasted her time. What did he think, that his supossingly sweet talk was just going to make her swoon over him? She didn't like the fact that he instantly decided the he "Liked" her just because of the way she looked. Yea, she does admit she doesn't look that bad, but no one needs to be talking to a woman like that. And there wasn't anything that he wanted that she was going to give him.