[center][u][color=ed145b]Irina Ivanov[/color][/u] Pool Room: [@Lillium][@Jinxer][@KahleenCuthald] [/center] [i]'Are you serious right now?'[/i] Was all Irina could think as her legs carried her into the pool room where everyone's thoughts practically screamed at her. [i]'Shut up!'[/i] She wished she could yell at them. Irina walked in at the same time that another young woman did. A red head that should've stuck out earlier, but didn't due to Irina being so unbelievably pissed. She was dressed differently than everyone else. Why? Irina made a mental note to ask her about it later. Right now her attention was caught by a shirtless guy and a fully dressed and soaked female. Their thoughts all became a muddled cluster-fuck as Irina walked up to them and stopped next to the fiery red head. She kept quiet as the listened, her eyes widened as she heard the remarks come out of the French girl. At least she sounded French. If Irina didn't have so many emotions running around inside of her, she might have even laughed, but now she just stood, her face portraying nothing but a sort of angry look. It wasn't until the French girl was finished speaking that Irina spoke up, her tone sounding slightly annoyed but mostly full of sarcasm to match the red head. [color=ed145b]"Or.... you could have just let her die."[/color] Her eyes made contact with the red headed woman and she smirked a bit at her before turning to look down at the drenched girl and then the young man whom she had heard in her mind introducing himself as Arthur. He wasn't introducing himself to Irina, but to the girl he had presumably saved. [color=ed145b]"You guys think very loud, did you know?"[/color]