Ezekiel nodded in response to the woman's final address and to the mutant taking his leave. Returning to the bar he grabbed a bottle of vodka, paid for by the woman of course, and left quietly to find a dark corner he could catch some sleep in. Dimming all of his equipment, he settled his armor in a more comfortable slouch and fell asleep within minutes. The gentle sound of music bubbled up inside Ezekiel's helmet as it prodded him awake. After a short time, he bagan the rigorous field boot of his armor and dragged his armor out of the slouch he had slept in. After stretching out a little, he took stock of his surroundings and determining that he was alone, he decided to wash. Opening up his armor and peeling himself out the back of it took some effort after being inside of it for two days straight. He stripped off the bodysuit and began washing. A few minutes later after having done some extra stretching, he wiped out his suit and got back into the armor. As he arrived at the meeting place, he heard the sound of a burst water valve and wondered what had happened. After a few moments he spotted the mutant next to some structure appearing to relieve himself and the puzzle was solved. Standing nearby he turned away and waited for the rest of the expedition to arrive.