With trying to get that guy out of her head, she kept thinking about the other guy, the guy referred to as D. He seemed to know what he was talking about. But she didn't need to bother with that right now. She needed to get her school books, locker combination and class schedule. Once acquiring all these things she then headed off to her first class. The first class wasn't all that bad, she actually had fun, although she loves school. She was excited for lunch, she really worked up an appetite, she wondered if that Skip guy was going to try to talk to her and get her to sit with him, she hoped not. Walking into the cafeteria she looked around, mostly looking for Skip to see if he had seen her or not, giving up she then got in line to get her plate of food. It was meatloaf, she didn't mind meatloaf, she actually has never had it, so she was okay with trying new things. After finishing paying for it she looked around with her tray to see where she could sit. There was a bunch of different tables that had specific people, the jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, all sorts of different tables. She knew she didn't really fit into any specific category. Suddenly some arms waving caught the corner of her eye, she looked over and saw two girls sitting at a table waving her down. [i]"I guess they want me to sit by them"[/i] she thought with a smile as she made her way to the table, looking around to see maybe this was a prank or something, she felt like something was going to happen. She brushed the thought away as she then just set her tray next to Amanda and smiled. [color=red][b]"Hello, I'm Mary and I'm new here, which you probably already know, anyways what's your names?"[/b][/color] she asked then she grabbed her milk and started opening it. She realized she had to pray, [color=red][b]"Please excuse me for a moment"[/b][/color] she said and then prayed then she lifted her head back up and started eating. [color=red][b]"So?"[/b][/color] she added as she then waiting for the girls to answer.