Mary looked at the girls as they introduced themselves, they seemed like pretty nice girls. Although she still feels like something is going to happen, she just didn't know what. [color=red][b]"Well it's nice to meet you both"[/b][/color] and she laughed at Amanda cutting in. [color=red][b]"It's okay, yes I am a junior"[/b][/color] she said as she then looked around trying to find the two guys, she didn't know why but she felt like she had to know where they were. [color=red][b]"There was this guy, he introduced himself as Skip, and another guy was with him. They talked to me before school, who exact ally are they?"[/b][/color] She was more curious to know who that D guy was, but she didn't know his actual name. She wasn't really sure what to think of the whole situation, but there was something about that D guy that intrigued her. She wanted to know more about him. She continued to look around to see if she could see them. [color=red][b]"Also, that Skip guy said that he is very famous among st these hallways, what exactly does that mean?"[/b][/color] She felt like she wanted to know, but at the same time she didn't because she didn't know what she'd find.