[@Lmpkio] Oh, I was talking about the duration on the passive. Let me know how long you'd like the balls to remain attatched to their targets for the passive for clarity's sake? As for the other abilities and their durations, I was thinking; On Configuration: Construct, the wall would last 4 seconds, the slow would decay over 2 seconds once they get through the wall. On Configuration: Repair, the field would last a total of 10 seconds so it could be placed in a defensive location for allies to poke and cone back to heal up. However, once an enemy enters the field, it only last up to 4 more seconds. So if a field was created on top of an enemy, it would last 4 seconds, if an enemy entered 3 seconds after creation than the field would have a total lifespan of 7 seconds, and if an enemy enters the field at 7 seconds the field would still end at 10 seconds, not 11. For Configuration: Transmit, 3 second duration on the portals is fine but 4 seconds would probably be better for balance so enemies have more of a chance to enter? Also, it keeps with the even number theme. For the Ultimate, I'd shorten the buff/slow durations to 4 seconds to nerf it a bit as well as keep it thematically. Also, it should be noted that the physics of the Orbs are slightly different than Zenny's; the float through the air when given normal movement commands, but when an ability is activated (including attaching to an enemy) they warp to the target with a non blinding flash of blue light. All of that sound ok with you?