[center] [u][b][color=ed145b]Appearance[/color][/b][/u] [hider=With Mask off][img]http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/e4b3ca3e822edd327b93109739d04786232a3abe/c=0-0-1595-2127&r=537&c=0-0-534-712/local/-/media/2015/02/25/USATODAY/USATODAY/635604541594595135-Spider-Gwen-1-Anka-Variant.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=With Mask on][img]http://www.paperdroids.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/spider_gwen_by_gan_91003-d80skj2.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b][color=ed145b]Height:[/color][/b][/u] 5'5 [u][b][color=ed145b]Weight:[/color][/b][/u] 125 lbs [u][b][color=ed145b]Eye color:[/color][/b][/u] Blue [u][b][color=ed145b]Hair color:[/color][/b][/u] Blonde [b][u][color=ed145b]Name:[/color][/u][/b] Gwendolyne "Gwen" Maxine Stacy: [b][u][color=ed145b]Alias:[/color][/u][/b] Widow, Spidey, Spider-Gwen [b][u][color=ed145b]Age:[/color][/u][/b] 24 [b][u][color=ed145b]Gender:[/color][/u][/b] Female [b][u][color=ed145b]Classification:[/color][/u][/b] Mutate [b][u][color=ed145b]Equipment:[/color][/u][/b] *Smartphone Gwen's phone "contains her entire life." *She also happens to carry around a khaki canvas backpack, that she deems lucky, extremely lucky, she got it from Peter before the incident with the Green Goblin. *She also has her Spider suit that she wears for combat or ever working as Widow. [b][u][color=ed145b]Skills/Abilities:[/color][/u][/b] *Gwen has a proclivity for Detective Work and Analytical Thinking, being the daughter of the police captain, she wanted to be a detective for a really long time. She is the daughter of a police captain, and so knows a lot police protocols and methods. *She also is a musician, Gwen plays the drums with her band, The Mary Janes. *Also as a result of her father being extremely protective, made her take kick boxing and judo (She actually has a first degree black belt) for the greater part of her teenage years, making her proficient in kick boxing and extremely proficient in Judo. [b][u][color=ed145b]Powers:[/color][/u][/b] [u][b]Spider Physiology:[/b][/u] Widow possesses the proportionate powers of a spider, granted to her from an irradiated Common House Spider (Achaearanea tepidariorum) which also happened to be the same spider that bit Peter Parker that was apparently already mutated from prior exposure to certain frequencies of radiation and received a final, lethal dose during Parker's attendance of the exhibition. The radioactive, complex mutagenic enzymes in the spider's blood that were transferred at the time of the bite triggered numerous body-wide mutagenic changes within Stacy, granting her superhuman strength, speed, toughened flesh, and numerous arachnid-like abilities. She has basically gained many of the same powers as Peter. These include [color=ed145b][b]Wall-Crawling[/b][/color], [color=ed145b][b]Superhuman Strength[/b][/color] (being able to carry about 10 tons with effort and about 12 tons with maximum effort), [color=ed145b][b]Superhuman Speed[/b][/color] (She's at the peak of the fittest human's athletic ability), [color=ed145b][b]Superhuman Stamina[/b][/color] (Less so than Peter, she can fight for a number of hours before fatigue sets into her body), [color=ed145b][b]Regenerative Healing Factor[/b][/color] (after getting her back broken in the incident regarding the clock tower, with the Goblin dropping her and Peter trying to catch her, when she was bit by the spider that granted her and Peter their powers, with in hours her back was completely repaired, as was any damage to her body, she isn't wolverine, but things like broken bones and bad burns and the like can be healed with in a couple of days), [color=ed145b][b]Superhuman Agility/Reflexes[/b][/color] (she is able to spare with Peter and keep up with him with a lot of effort, however she is not at the level Peter is yet, as she's only had her powers for a smaller amount of time comparably to Peter), [color=ed145b][b]Perfect Balance and Equilibrium[/b][/color] (Basically being able to balance herself on anything, no matter the size), [color=ed145b][b]Biological/Organic Webbing Generation[/b][/color](She has the ability to organically produce her own silk webbing from glands within her forearms, possibly limited by her body's health and nutrition. These organic webs have many of the same properties as Spider-Man's artificial webbing, but can also be woven into clothing. She releases her organic webbing through her fingertips), and last but not least [color=ed145b][b]Widow-Sense[/b][/color] (Virtually her most important power, working just like Peter's Spider-Sense, Widow possesses an extrasensory "danger" or "spider" sense which warns her of potential immediate danger by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of her skull, and links with her superhuman kinesthetics, enabling her to evade most any injuries, unless she cognitively overrides her automatic reflexes. Her Widow-Sense also happens to be slightly stronger then Peters, having found that she is able to feel something faster then Peter can.) [b][u][color=ed145b]Weaknesses:[/color][/u][/b] Spider-Sense Disruption: Widow's Spider Sense can lose its effectiveness if it is blocked or temporarily weakened by specialized equipment or certain drugs. It also would not trigger if it detects something that is not registered as a threat like the Spider-Man clones, Spider-Man himself or the Venom symbiote and its offspring and Anti-Venom. When deprived of her spider-sense, Widow becomes vulnerable to surveillance and attack, and web-slinging requires most of her concentration. Ethyl Chloride: Widow is susceptible to the pesticide ethyl chloride. It'll cause her to gain flu like symptoms but amplified times 10. Big Sister Complex: With a lot being typically younger and less experienced then her, she will always put the students before herself and sometimes get's herself into a lot of trouble because of this. Putting her in positions that could have been avoidable if she just kept focusing on herself and not others. Peter Parker: While not a complete weakness, she often tries to keep herself away from Peter Parker, but she also will do most anything to save Peter from danger or go out of her way to make sure he's safe (Not that he cant take care of himself), take Peter Parker and she will do anything to get him back to being safe [b][u][color=ed145b]Personality:[/color][/u][/b] N/A [b][u][color=ed145b]History:[/color][/u][/b] Earth-713's Gwen Stacy is more or less the same Gwen Stacy depicted in Earth-616's Spider-Man universe, however there are Three major difference for this Gwen Stacy, so i will explain that part. Her childhood was more or less the same, her father being a little more careful in this Universe and making her take fighting lessons, unlike the real Spider-Gwen from the comics. These three major differences start with Gwen's age, instead of being the same age as Peter, she is actually four years younger, thus they did not meet in high school. They actually met after Gwen graduated, getting an internship at a huge Laboratory for her Biochemistry academic achievements. There she ran into a man named Peter Parker, though under strange circumstances and as a result of Peter being in a rush, caused Gwen to not be a fan of Parker. As time went on, they eventually had a real conversation, in which Peter realized that Gwen wasn't exactly your run of the mill girl. Befriending her, they quickly became fast friends, and then eventually becoming best friends. Instead of the two dating, they both hid their feelings in secret, not because of the age difference, but solely because neither knew how the other felt and so it was always in the air. This is the first difference in Earth-713's Gwen, the second and probably most major difference, is that Gwen was not killed in this universe, however the battle at the clock tower in which Gwen was taken by The Green Goblin did happen. Instead, when she was thrown from the tower, Peter was able to slow her falling, thus saving her life and not snapping her neck, but as a result of how he caught her, broke her back and permanently paralyzed Gwen from the waist down. Peter of course blamed himself and thus underwent change with himself and his relationships. Still visiting Gwen at the time, she always kept a smile up and was happier then most that came to visit her in fact. She was frustrated with the situation, but she made the best of what she had to work with. One night however, the same spider that bit both Peter and Silk, found it's way into Gwen's room by absolute chance, biting her in her sleep. Sleeping through it, the spider moved and crawled away, and upon waking up felt different. The first one being that...well she could move her toes when she woke up. Upon finding this out she found that that wasn't the only change. Quickly realizing what happened to Peter, some how happened to her, she began a plan. Taking only a week before getting everything together, she saw Peter one last time and confessed her feelings for him, finding that he also had felt the same way. Seeing Peter happy once again, she spent the remaining time with him as they talked about all the tension there was, before Peter asked what they should do now that this was something. Gwen, against all her wants, said that in order for Peter to be Spider-Man, that he would have to give up on her, she considered herself a distraction to Peter. He argued, but she asked him to let her go, and so he did. After that, her planned rolled into action, taking a drug cocktail of sorts that slowed her heart beat down until it was non-existant. Pronounced dead, she was moved out and moved down towards the hospital morgue. Banking on her new-found powers healing her blood, she woke up quickly after and used this means of her being dead to escape without struggle. Leaving the hospital, she decided that with her powers, she would leave and go help somewhere else in need, to afraid Peter would try to find out who the new superhero was in town. Hitchhiking and all the like, quickly lead her to meeting numerous amounts of hero's and villains, as well as lessons, and as a result become who she is now, Widow. After being out for the greater part of 3 years as Widow, she came back to Manhattan and found Spider-Man. He of course had many questions for her, but upon unmasking herself in front of him and revealing who she was, Peter quickly realized what had happened and why her body had went missing. Wanting to now be in a relationship with the now older Gwen, she declined and said that she was still just a distraction, however there is a...thing between the two, there is never anything said, instead saying they're just really good friends. Peter helped train all her rough edges, until he thought it would be appropriate to actually have her enroll into a school that he was helping with, seeing as she had experience, she would be a good "older kid" to help out with the students. Now she is currently enrolled in the school and has been since then. [b]Other:[/b] {Did I forget something you may want to add? This is where ya do it.} My favorite marvel character is Spider-Gwen or Deadpool [/center]