[quote=@Demon Shinobi] [quote=@Keksalot] [@Demon Shinobi] In all regards, duh. For example i plan to make Bad Boy really good with numbers in addition to social interactions. "Run up the walls thanks to the knowledge of physics" and "shoot perfectly by calculating immediate enviroment's effect on ballistics and predicting target's movement" good. Just to keep up with the three brick people we've got. [/quote] Well he is a child, probably well on his way to being the next tony stark and ironman XD or something else of that nature. You're probably need gadgets or something for running on walls, but the shooting is just something that brains and practice could always work with so that's fine lol. Although if he had a gun it'd probably only be allowed if it displayed special bullets or trick bullets cause they wouldn't want him using a regular gun cause the whole thing of it essentially being a "hero" school. [/quote] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzm7yD-JuyM[/youtube] He could make sneakers with a normal padding on the bottom and special material on the sides of the sole for the way the angle of the foot rests when freerunning up a wall. He could also make a highly elastic rubber bullet, intended to bounce around more like a supperball than a standard rubber bullet. The mathematics of geometry for trick shooting could come easily to him, the same as cyclops who actually has a degree in math from the Xavier institute. Or he could be a pool hustler. :P