Mary laughed at the two as they pretend argued about who was better at cheer leading. Then she heard Damian's name brought up, [color=red][b]"Oh are you two dating?"[/b][/color] she asked Tamisha almost a little disappointment in her voice but tried to hide it. And she laughed at the fact that the girl was practically staring at him. When they gave her their numbers she then put it in her purse and was going to put them in her phone later, then she gave them her number. When they had asked if she played any sports she laughed, [color=red][b]"Nope, not a real sports fan"[/b][/color] she replied, [color=red][b]"Well, I like watching it, I just don't play it much. I thought it'd be fun to learn basketball, but I think I'm too short for that anyways"[/b][/color] she smirked. She does like some sports, but she found basketball to be interesting, although she's never actually played a day in her life. She then took a few bites of her food as she waited for the girls responses realizing that she hasn't even eaten anything yet. She has a feeling that these girls were going to be really good friends of hers.