[h1][center]Hellsalem's Lot[/center][/h1] "A map...?" Satori began to muse to herself as the suggestion came up. A map... Well, if another version of this city existed in her companions' world, then there would be little problem. But a matter of deviation from that...? Actually, the suggestion was quite sound; she had no reason to say no. "I believe that might help us... To a fault. Not every road is easily plotted and open to the public." Memories of Old Hell began to resurface in her mind; although she had never personally visited any more than absolutely necessary, a few of her pets had. There was always so much more to a city's face, and Satori was fairly certain that would remain true here. "But it will work as a guide for now..." The youkai girl's voice trailed off as she turned towards Saber, who had essentially vacuumed her food down before staring hungrily at the food still on display. Satori sat there, motionless for a moment, before massaging her forehead and drinking a sip of her tea. "...I have no comment to that." [hr] [h1][center]The 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi[/center][/h1] [h2][center]Hanging Gardens[/center][/h2] "Isn't right? Well, you just saw for yourself, haven't you?" Kagura responded, discreetly motioning towards the now-unconscious Tsubaki in Jin's arms. "Something's been causing people to flip on a dime, and none of us are entirely sure why. Half our men are fighting the other half, and we've got no clue who or what's causing it. We've got some specialists trying to figure it out, but... Well, I'm not sure if they've come up with anything yet." Shrugging his shoulders, Kagura sheathed his weapon on his back (seemingly without effort) and looked Alex dead in the eye. "Well, that's not to say that fights don't break out a lot here. Hot-blooded bunch, they are. Anyways, what about you two? Given how you're willing to stick your heads into this mess... Well, it doesn't seem like you're all that ordinary, either, now are you? Well, it's not like I'm gonna attack you, though; you guys saved me from some trouble there. But... You kinda just... Came up outta nowhere, after all."