[h1]FRIENDLY REMINDER:[/h1] [i]As listed in the beginning our characters are either from the MOUNTAIN or SEA. They are split between just the two last names; HYLAND AND GULLY. (Including bastard names of Sky and Trout). Sorry for the inconvience that may cause for your character creation but I needed to limit this so that people have the most character interaction and growth as possible in this large land. All the other last names are for story purposes only. If you want your character with a bastard name from another area, you still must be related to the main leader of one of the two main areas. IE: Your father the lead of the HYLAND's has slept with someone from another land and you were born there, but now live in his castle.[/i] [quote=@Sagittarius] I'd just like to clarify whether all of our characters will be blood-related or if we'll all just be from different families in Mount Promonon and the Quell Sea.[/quote] [i]Blood related. IE: Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Uncle, etc.[/i] [quote=@HushedWhispers] [@MissCapnCrunch] This was probably stated but want to be sure. Are we allowed to play Queens from either Quell Sea or Mount Promonon? [/quote] [i]The only real "Queen" is the one ruling in the Corevial Castle. However, you are more than welcome to play a lead woman in either of those places. Think of a Lady Stark type role, where you're kicking ass and taking down names for your people but you don't really have so much authority as the Queen of Ainsworth.[/i]