[b]"Hmmm...ZAFT must have invented some sort of advanced means of travel then because we of OMNI Enforcer have not invented such a thing yet. And believe me I know a lot about our scientific divisions even the stuff they don't want people to know about."[/b] Jason said casually as if he were simply referring to a offhand comment about a nearby gentleman's club rather than the top secret projects of a major faction of the Earth population. Jason looked around at the three whom introduced themselves. [b]"Regardless of your origins Miss 'Wind' I suspect that your suit is a prototype or at least rare caliber. Many organizations like younger pilots to test out their machines first before handing them off to veterans. It seems stupid indeed but children can grasp concepts more easier than the adult mind not to call you a child young lady but I am unsure about your age.[/B]" Jason said as Paul spoke up, [B]"Sir do you REALLY think this girl can call herself a MARTIAN of all things? That's just st-"[/b] Paul started to comment as Jason grunted, [b]"It's just as likely as the fact that a twenty year old soldier is one of my highest ranking officer's onboard the ship.[/b]" Jason countered as Paul shut his mouth at a loss for words quite frankly. And then he turned to the instructor whom he took a firm look at before nodding, [b]"I've seen people like you before Instructor you're not some normal egghead from what I can see and perceive...well I suppose you could call us a 'Unified Earth Sphere Army' but our faction's name IS OMNI Enforcer. Hmmm I'd starting to get an idea about what's going on here....but I'd like to hear more first... but first let me clear something up first.[/b]" Jason said as he considered his next words and answered after a moment, [b]"There is no such coalition on Earth and if there is it's small enough to considered insignificant otherwise the good general wouldn't have sent us to investigate a signal out in space. He'd have all available captains immediately rip the threat's throat out so to speak. The last major Earth threat we faced was in the Fractured Earth War where Lao La Lugara turned rogue and caused more deaths than some ancient warlords would believe extreme. And the fact that you have no idea about coordinators, a group of humans whom are biologically gene spliced in the womb of the woman carrying the baby to give the child better stamina, sickness resistance, and space survivability, makes my idea about what's going on more and more probable by the second. I'll postpone my theory until Mr. Gabriel over there informs me of his origins. I know of your name because that was one of the first chunks of info we got. And while the fact that I was up and about rounding up my crewmen and women doesn't mean I didn't have the bridge crew keep me posted on what's going on outside."[/b]" Jason continued as he tapped his finger on the table slowly and rhythmically. [b]"Now then as for PLANTS they are colonies themselves you see. Small hunks of metal in space giving the appearance of an earth like environment and are the current location of space fairing citizens. Now then for the final question from you my good instructor....I have absolutely zero information. All I know is that we're in large rural city scape in the form of ancient China of Japan. That massive citadel is the only thing here and it is practically abandoned. There's words of military compounds around here that are the exact same. No symbols are there to identify that compound as a part of anything. I'm as blind as you are and if you don't believe me then feel free to go ahead and complain to whatever deity you worship because only he has the answers. Quite frankly I'm more interested in why so many people from Earth specifically are here...so then I've shown you the cards in my hand would you kindly show me yours?[/b]" Jason said calmly as Paul simply smiled and felt proud that Jason both gave away everything and nothing at the same time. He gave them enough info that it'd seem he was being casual but the good captain had told them absolutely nothing that they couldn't have known before hand. If they were being recorded and transmitted than that just means that he'd have an enemy to shoot at soon and there were already suits outside to strike out at enemy ambushers who'd be nearby. If they tried to shoot either of them, if they had weapons, they'd be gunned down by the guards and nobody would win. Even if Jason and himself died here Calhone would take over and make sure operations got moving. Of course he hoped the last part didn't come to be but it was a possibility. Besides he could always just overwhelm them with his superior strength if he had to. Now it was just on the floor between Gabe, Wind, and the other two weirdo's from Earth...