[center][color=00aeef][u][b]The Spade Gang[/b][/u][/color][/center] [hider=The Leader] [center][hider=Sage Spade] [img]http://lh6.ggpht.com/-Xs23jloHc6k/Usl8IiYC-WI/AAAAAAAAFNA/Nde7DBYxscY/rai_thumb%25255B1%25255D.png?imgmax=800[/img] [/hider][/center] [b]Personality[/b]: Sage is a very clever man, his thirst for a world for ghoul’s is what drives his very core. It would be hard not to hate humanity given his past. Their very pride was what made them weak, they had thought that they had been top of the food chain, untouchable gods on this world. Oh, how Sage hates humans; man, woman and child. They were simply dumb cattle for his kind. It saddened him however, the state of his kind. Hiding in shadows, barely surviving off of coffee and whatever dumb human that feel in the spiders web. For a time, he found their arrogance and pride too be humorous at best. Too think humans were innocent had been incredulous at best too him, he only saw them as petty and hateful creatures, the only good part of them was their flesh and meat, his food. Any ghoul too see humans as friend or innocent, were too be considered enemies, if they could not tame the traitors, the enemy ghouls; death is the only other option. Despite his cruel demeanor, to his own he defends with a righteous iron fist, too show him obedience is too earn their place at his side. Even if they hadn’t met him yet, Sage knows every member of his militia, he makes it as his duty too find out about them. Despite this knowledge, a very select few know Sage personally, his most trusted workers, and that isn’t many after Riley’s betrayal. The woman, Riley had he knew what love was some would say that’s what he felt, but no. The only emotion he felt for her now had been rage, and he wanted too tear apart everything she cared for, bonus points for him that his dreams had involved tearing apart the what Riley cared for. He hated the traditions and fashions of most ghouls, too hide ones face, to pretend too be something they are not. To pretend to be human, it would drive him insane. He refuses too anymore, he does not care for the mask anymore, what was the point of hiding when they ruled the streets of Tokyo. He would not let his pride get to him however, no, he would play this game, and win. [b]Backstory[/b]: Sage had been born in America, in the golden state Los Angeles, California. He wasn’t born to a normal family, if one were to ask Sage what his family was, he’d give a smirk and simply say “ A military family.”- However, it is not as simple as he states, Sage was born in a military lab. It was safe to say upon discovery of Ghouls, the American Government would of course jump, if not hop, skip and dance too the thought of militarizing the humanoids. Sage would be a success in their attempt. When he was birthed, he was born an orphan. Who knew who his parents were, he didn’t know or care, if they were prisoners or soldiers like he was raised too be. At an early age obedience had been beaten into him, and among the other children at his camp, his rose through the ranks. By the age of ten he had already been performing with teenagers near adult hood. His hunger is what had made him so aggressive, such a precise, and calculated killer. Sage found at a young age, his hatred for humans, too the scientist there... he had been more so a brilliant theory, and too the soldiers he had been a terrible weapon. No time for compassion or human emotion, after all he as far from human. When he graduated from the.. camp, he would have been placed with a unit of soldiers trying too keep the peace in some small island, he could careless for the name. It was such a waste of his time, starving humans tasted horrible compared too the plump americans. He spent three years on that harsh island, most of the locals hated his unit cause they were americans, they hated him because he was a monster, a very hungry, monster- after all.. he had been a growing boy. After the three years of living on the island, doing his mission successfully, he would have been promoted, a lot; the only thing he was allowed too do, is too conquer, fight wars for men he didn’t know or care about; all this did was fuel his hatred for man kind, when he turned nineteen he had achieved the highest rank a ghoul could have achieved. He had traveled the world, devoured humans from every continent, but he wasn’t just a brute. He learned, and studied. His mind was feared. He had studied up on free ghouls, ghouls who had not lived under their government, studied their mannerisms. They wore masks... how pathetic. He would never hide, any ghoul under him, would never hide; that was when he began his plan. It took him only a year too out smart the American government, it was a pain in the ass but he managed too liberate the camps that had ghouls in them, but their freedom came with a price; their servitude. Those who ran were murdered, he could risk them revealing his plans. He would burn all the information and data, all of it except the files he would keep. He would use those files too gain himself the diplomatic immunity he needed, but he'd be kind. Sage would leave out that fact that he had been a creation of the American government. Moving place too place around the states recruiting his kind, that would be how he met his greatest student, and his greatest mistake.. he did not like mistakes. Her name was Riley, and in a way, he saw himself in her. She had been an orphan, and a hungry one at that: she had devoured the entire home, her entire orphanage home. He would get too her before the government could; he wasn't a fool he knew they were probably trying too regroup their ghoul experiments. He knew from the moment he saw her what she was, a Kakuja. He named her the Time Hound, and unfortunately she grew with rebellion. At times he would have to force his protege too eat the ghoul meat and even human meat. Riley would always complete her missions with passing colors though, each mission he grew quiet fond of her. It was funny, suddenly; the government he had once black mailed needed his help, but he'd only scratch their back if they scratched his. He would do a few fright missions, that's all humans needed too get their masters going in their right directions. Over the course of a couple years Riley had become more powerful, his Time hound was nearly unstoppable. He would time her killings, and each time she'd fail him, well, there was repercussions to failure; but that is what made her lethal. Then the unthinkable would happen, she would betray him. Fleeing off too Tokyo of all places. Did she think she was free? He’d let her think that. He had his plan for Tokyo, for all the ghouls and humans there. Humans had been monsters, simple livestock who thought they were the top of the food chain. Sage would travel across the world, mastering his skill and abilities, recruiting stronger and smarter soldiers. Until his group had been completed, he would fall upon Tokyo, at first it was subtle. He’d send his spies in first too watch the area, their men who patrolled and tried to control his kind. How humans reacted too them, the terrain, everything. Then they would strike, and just like this he’d begin his lovely game. This would only be the start of the Ghoul’s Paradise. There was always repercussions. [b]Kagune Type:[/b] Rinkaku [b]Kagune Description:[/b] Most of the time it appears as two demonic red wings, coming out of his back. His Rinkaku has the ability too keep him afloat in the air. In it’s first form (the two wings) he uses it as a defense mainly. Getting smacked with one of his powerful wings would probably equal getting hit by a herd of elephants in a frenzied stampede. To defend himself he often curls himself up in his wings. A powerful attack of his is once he is curled up in his shield, the claws at the ends of his wings have a blaster ability, if the claws hit anyone they start too drain the beings blood and heal him. The final form for Sage has not been seen in a long time. His two wings rip into six sharpened tendrils dancing in the air, he still keeps his ability too float. The tendrils floating wildly around him. He can use the tendrils too peirce or grab, virtually giving him the range his body needs. [i]Other: [/i] *Sage demands obedience and is rather clever * You do not need a mask or nick name when apart of the Spade Gang, not anymore. If you write yourself in as an original member (please message me first )) you may have one, like Time hound’s original name. *All members who join the Spade gang, take up the last name Spade. [/hider] [center][color=00aeef][u][b]~ ~ ~[/b][/u][/color][/center] [hider=The Trusted Advisor- The Shadow] [center][hider=Cj Spade] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/00/24/7b/00247bfc50523c6ef199918e33f3ecf9.jpg[/img] [img]http://rs592.pbsrc.com/albums/tt7/Sara_Shadow/Fantasy/Copyof_1-1.jpg~c200[/img] [/hider][/center] Personality: CJ lived a life of abandonment so when she met Sage and he took her on as his charge she felt loved. This of course was based solely out of misguided admiration for someone giving her a place to belong to. This admiration has made her loyal to a fault, she will blindly obey any order given out by Sage even ones that could put her life in danger. Her obsessions also have a very strong blinder in the fact that she gets jealous of anyone too close to him. Riley being the biggest target on her list, she resents Riley’s past with Sage and feels she was a coward for turning her back on Sage’s vision of a new better world. Cj’s life living alone on the streets taught her to lurk in shadows and only use her Kagune as a defense mechanism when her fight or flight instincts perked up. This has made her more effective at hand to hand combat than the brunt force attacking power of her Kokaku, Backstory: Celisse was born unwillingly to two ghouls in Helsinki Finland, her parents could not afford to feed themselves as they were passive ghouls only eating when necessary and normally eating the flesh of the recently dead sold from black market ghoul merchants. Knowing they could not take care of the child and knowing they couldn’t give her to an orphanage they left her with a handwritten birth certificate riverside near a local hidden ghoul community. Found by a elderly ghoul on an evening hunt he took her in as a tool, a weapon to hone and use as a means to hunt for sustenance. As she grew he taught her in the methods of close quarters assassination. He was far too old to activate his own Kagune so he showed her how to use her superior strength to rip into the papery flesh of humans. By the time she was 16 she had become exactly what he had intended, a tool for his using. He grew to lust for her, she took his first and last advance as a betrayal everything that he’d done for her and this was the payment he expected. As he held her down, the RC gland between her shoulders ripped open the space between her shoulder blades screaming in anger and pain she attempted to push him away driving an icepick sized hole directly between the eyes of the old bastard. Without full control of the new ability the Kokaku expanded rapidly splattering blood and greymatter across her attackers home. She spent the next 2 years living on the streets using her skills taught to her to feed off any human foolish enough to fall into her grasp, stealing cash off of those who carried. Living in the shadows and learning the streets, using her knowledge of Helsinki to stay out of the eyes of local ghoul hunting task forces. One day at the age of 18 CJ witnessed an american man prowl the streets, tearing through humans with greater efficacy than any other ghoul she had ever met. He spoke to the people of Finland speaking of ghoul’s true lace at the top of the food chain, how they deserved to be free from “man’s government” as they were not equals. Did man answer to cattle? CJ would do anything to be a part of this man’s new world order. She spoke him after his ghoul rally where he told her to come to the United States where the beginning was already underway no matter what the military dogs who touted him around like a pet thought. She hadn’t the means but she would find him again she knew she would. Within the month Celisse had created a plan to sneak onto a freighter bound for Canada, she spent weeks travelling around the continent in search of a winged ghoul. Sage was his name, a name she could never forget. With her tracking skill she made it to the south west states slowly tracking him by reputation and scent when she made it to California. She found him and she was ready to be a part of his revolution as they would stand hand in hand as the world burned in their names. “Her name was Riley, and in a way, he saw himself in her.” Celisse hated Riley she had all of Sage’s attention he trained her to be a perfect driver for the revolution. She stood loyally by his side never saying no to an order never asking for preferential treatment. She never truly measured up to Riley, this was obvious. Until the fateful day that Riley turned her back on the Spades. This would be how she made herself known in Sage’s eyes, the one who stayed by his side when the whore closest to him made an attempt to prevent his change. Sage nicknamed her his shadow due to her consistent proximity and her tendency to lurk in the shadows. This was good enough for her for now... Kagune Type: Kokaku Kagune Description: While offensively weighing itself at the base of her right shoulder and being utilized akin to a rapier. CJ has become more accustomed to using it defensively by hiding her small frame behind her arm and expanding the Kagune to act like an impenetrable kite shield. As she has never taken her abilities beyond the breadth of simple hunting she has never seen the true extent or seeing if there are levels beyond what she presents. Affiliation: The Spade Gang Other: Celisse only took up the nickname CJ when becoming a spade. Speaks fluent Finnish and English but speaks in a noticeable Finnish accent. [/hider] [center][color=00aeef][u][b]~ ~ ~[/b][/u][/color][/center] [hider=The Head Scientist] [center] [hider= The Calamity ] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzba36eSN61qaeynmo1_500.png[/img] [/hider] [i][url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MilesToGoBeforeISleep]"Fighting with the vigor of youth but with the wisdom of a veteran. You've lived a lifetime of warfare, haven't you? How about resting for a little while? The fight isn't going anywhere, I promise."[/url] [/i] [h3]::Appearance::[/h3] Rei stands at roughly six foot five with broad shoulders and a well toned figure. His hair is two-toned naturally, the underside being dark brown while the top is much lighter, nearly blond. He has a single gold hoop earring in his left ear which is very close to an old pale scar that is nearly right beside it, running upwards and somewhere into his hair line. His eyes are a pale green and while he is still relatively young, there are dark circles under them. [h3]::History::[/h3] Born to two middle-class ghouls that blended in with human society, Rei's young life wasn't all that bad. He always had something to do and never went hungry, one of his parents were always around. Much despite his parents 'averageness', from around the time he was four, Rei began to show signs of being a bit more advanced than those of his age. And much to his parents joy, the moment they began to teach him things a bit more above those of his age, he flourished. So young and so curious about everything, he just wanted to learn, play, and nap practically! Things continued rather well for their small family of three for a good while, up until Rei was nine. It was around this time that humans were starting to take more notice of him. He was a very smart child and a lot of people thought he could do many great things in the future- they wanted to give him grants for special schools all over the world, people wanted to tutor him personally, there was just so much going on and then it happened. A small slip up and it was all over. Someone caught wind of him being a ghoul and his entire family was put under investigation, but due to an outside influence it was put to a complete stop. A scientist from America had taken a keen interest in young Rei and was willing to do just about anything to get the child in his grasps. Needless to say, he succeeded. A mere few weeks after the investigation was stopped from the scientists influence, Rei's parents were forced to give him away for threat of being exposed and killed. At the time, Rei honestly couldn't give it any more thought than 'Oh, I am going away to learn something better?'. Rei adapted relatively quickly to the lifestyle the scientist had set for him, much to the older mans joy. He didn't really seem to care that Rei was a ghoul, in fact, he only seemed interested in the young ghouls intelligence and willingness to learn. And for many years it would prove to be perfect. But as it turned out, the scientist was interested in something else. Was the view of a ghoul different from the view of a human in the same position? If Rei had the same amount of intelligence as he himself did, would he look at a lab report on a recently done experiment on a ghoul and think the same thing he would? Or would there be something different? Would there be something he would miss? Something he would think of that they couldn't? There just had to be something missing there that he couldn't figure out. By the time Rei was seventeen, he had completely forgo his birth parents- did not bother with contacting them or anything. Instead his entire focus was on research of humans and ghouls alike. There was just so much there, so much to learn and so much to find- he couldn't really seem to stop himself. Despite being so young, the scientist that had practically bought the young ghoul had insisted he be allowed into the labs he worked at. Many of the other scientists there proved curious of the younger ghoul too, so it was allowed. But it was completely unexpected that he would actually aid them in their research. But a few years after that, things went downhill quickly for the humans in the lab. It was around this time that Sage was liberating ghouls from the camps and Rei just happen to be lucky enough to be one of them. Of course he was a 'special' case for the humans, he was trained and practically raised by one of them, he was favored by one of their own, after all! But as another ghoul Rei was still just as unique. He had duel kagune that he had learned to use properly and his immense intelligence, a very valuable asset to anyone starting some sort of crusade, like Sage was. Rei, in truth, was a bit more than ecstatic at being freed from the horrifying chains that once bound him to humans. Without even really having to be asked, Rei outright swore his loyalty to Sage as long as he continued on his path to this newer and better world. He swore happily that he would use all that he had learned -and what he was still learning!- to aid him in any way possible. And he did. Riley was a completely different story though. He thought she was a horrible idea from the start but kept his mouth shut, since his opinion was not asked for. But over the time she was with them, he did grow a bit fond of her in a sense- the clinical 'You are a mistake' kind of way. He didn't interact with her often enough to really get to know her, he was busy with other things, but in his free time he did observe her quite intently when allowed. He honestly wasn't all that surprised when she defected from them, having once told one of their members something along the lines of [i][url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MistreatmentInducedBetrayal]'If a dog wants outside, you are going to have a very hard time stopping it from getting free when you leave the door open'[/url][/i]. [center][h3]::Kagune Type::[/h3][/center] Chimera Koukaku // Bikaku [center][h3]::Kagune Description::[/h3][/center] Due to his intelligence and dedication to training and furthering himself, Rei has immense control over both of his Kagune. While he might be really smart he is also very deadly when he so chooses to be. [hider=Koukaku] [b]Koukaku:[/b] Rei's Koukaku has many different variations in appearance and uses, but there are only two that he has deemed the most useful for himself. He does not use them traditionally as most other Koukaku-ghouls do, he does not turn them into blades or any kind of hammer. Instead he has given them his own form of twist and they take on two seemingly unique appearances. [i][b]The first appearance;[/b][/i] Protrudes from just bellow his shoulder blades in the shape of two massive wings that are nearly twice his own body length. Due to their size and weight, they are not very flexible in this form and Rei cannot run or preform any fancy acrobatics- he is practically a sitting duck. But, what he looses in mobility, Rei gains a tremendous defense. The wings are large enough for him to cover over his entire body with one of them and then to double-coat himself with the other, if he cocoons himself with them, it is neigh impossible to actually hurt him. Aside from being a full body shield, the wings can also function to knock people away or block ranged attacks with relative ease. Occasionally if someone is slow enough, they can get crushed. To top it off, the bottom edges of his wings can take on various different appearances as well! Sometimes the bottom edges of the wings will be straight and honed into a fine sharp edge, sometimes it will take on the appearance of sharp jagged edges that can be used for impalement, other times it takes on a sort of strange wavy appearance. It isn't quite clear what the wavy appearance one is for or what it could possibly be used for. [sup][i][b]First Appearance Advantages;[/b][/i] Due to its weight and insane durability, the first appearance is ideal for situations that require little to no movement at all or situations where someone must be guarded at all costs- be it Rei himself or another. It is immensely great for breaking through objects and crushing things. With his ability to control the edges his wings can also be used as a form of 'cage' to carry things, such as a hostage or a fellow wounded friend should his hands be full- while keeping them safe and protected. [i][b]First Appearance Drawbacks;[/b][/i] While the first appearance has a nearly unlimited amount of uses and is such a good defense, it is very heavy and difficult to maneuver around with. It is nowhere near ideal for any situation that requires speed or delicacy. In fact, it is safer to say it is something that should only ever be used when victory is assured or death is quite possible. And even though Rei himself is rather well trained and has quite a bit of stamina, having to move a whole lot while using his wings can make him very tired very quickly. If adding wounds on top of it, well, you get the idea! To top off the drawbacks of the first appearance, if one of them is somehow broken- he is screwed. The regeneration is far too slow to be any good during a fight if it breaks.[/sup] [b][i]The second appearance;[/i] [/b]Protrudes from just bellow his shoulder blades in the shape of two varying in length 'arms'. They are a bit thicker than his own arms at the start and as they continue outwards they grow thicker, but never do they get any thicker than two or three feet in diameter. And the ends of them are shaped into a five-fingered clawed hand with a very smooth underside. And like most things that look like an extra pair of arms, these two extra limbs function just as that. Only, they are much more durable and stronger than his own. They are still quite heavy, but they are much lighter than the first appearance and much more flexible, he can move them as fast as his own arms, if not faster. But much unlike the first appearance, Rei doesn't seem to alter anything with this version of his Koukaku. [sup][b][i]Second Appearance Advantages;[/i][/b]This version basically functions as an extra set of immensely powerful arms. They can knock people away rapidly, crush bones and break through weaker Kagune with ease. Due to his hand-like appearance at the end they can function as a normal hand would, it is easy for him to simply grab things and move them out of the way, or throw them. With the immense extra strength from the high density of the RC cells, he really can just go nuts with these arms and do all sorts of damage. But it isn't the limit of these limbs, either. With some focus, he can make them smaller and more his regular limb size. It actually isn't all that uncommon to see him using them while he is doing research or studying- four hands are much better to carry extra books or cases than two, after all![/sup] [sup][b][i]Second Appearance Drawbacks;[/i][/b] These limbs lack some of the durability of the wings, the RC cells not nearly as well combined even though they are much more dense in this thinner state. So they can break a bit easier than the first version, in short. And unlike his wings, he actually has to focus when he is grabbing things with the extra hands, otherwise he can damage things without meaning to or drop something by mistake. [/sup] [/hider] [hider=Bikaku] [b]Bikaku;[/b] Rei, for one reason or another, is much more comfortable using his Bikaku on its own rather than his Koukaku. Because of this, his Bikaku has a much more fluid and natural way when it is used. [i][b]The First Appearance;[/b][/i] Four slim tails that protrude from his tailbone, appearing as no thicker than his forearm, the end of each tail splitting into three smaller 'tails' of their own. They all very in length, depending on what Rei feels is necessary at the time. Each of the smaller split ends of the tails are barbed at the end in small points of four or five while the other one is usually in simple points of two or three. Each tail is coated in long, jagged spikes that vary in direction, some of them are even facing backwards in similar fashion to a barb as well. [sup][b][i]First Appearance Advantages;[/i][/b] For all intents and purposes the first version of his Bikaku is basically one massive 'barb'. It digs into the skin and stays there unless they are ripped out or destroyed, though due to the slight mutation of mixing partially with his Koukaku, it is generally easier to rip them out than to try to destroy it. And considering that each of the four tails have split off into three other smaller barbs of their own, one he manages to get one of them into someone there is a very good chance they are going to either die or become horrendously wounded. The tails are very lightweight despite their extra density, so his movements are not nearly as hindered and it is just overall harder to avoid them.[/sup] [sup][b][i]First Appearance Disadvantages;[/i][/b] While most Bikaku are well rounded and not so easy to simply destroy, because of his mutation, the first version of it suffers the inability to change rapidly. Nor can it regenerate very quickly, either. It cannot break other Kagune very easily despite its extra durability, oddly enough, its strength is relatively weak compared to others! Which is why it can usually only dig into someones flesh.[/sup] [i][b]The Second Appearance;[/b][/i] The four barbed tails combine into two significantly larger tails that lack the barb at the end of them. Instead of course, they take on the appearance of clawed hands in similar fashion to the second appearance of his Koukaku. But these hands are much faster and far less destructive. The fingers are thinner and the clawed tips are duller, but unlike the first appearance of his Bikaku, Rei can change the fingers as he needs. Sometimes its a simple five fingers, sometimes its only two, sometimes its ten on a single hand. [sup][b][i]Second Appearance Advantages;[/i][/b] Due to his ability to change both of the large tails, their use is practically limitless. They can be simple hands, used to climb things rapidly, used to delicately pick someone up or to toss someone, he can even fashion the fingers into blades if he so chooses. He can alter their size and use them for much simpler things too, like wrapping them around his legs for improved kicking power or so on and so forth.[/sup] [sup][b][i]Second Appearance Disadvantages;[/i][/b] Out of all of his abilities as far as his combat goes, the second appearance of his Bikaku seems to be the only thing that is very well rounded with no apparent weaknesses. It appears to be the one part of both of his Kagune that comes more naturally to him than anything, he doesn't even really need to think about it at all. [/sup] [/hider] [hider=Combinations][h3]::Combinations::[/h3] [i][b]Combination 1; Koukaku Appearance 1, Bikaku Appearance 1[/b][/i] Impossibly powerful shield and four barbed tails with three extra barbs on the tails split ends. [list] [*]Defensive Stance. [*]Ideal for multiple opponents, especially fast ones. [*]Massive wings used as protection while the barbed tails are used to snare foes. [*]Massive wings are used freely to crush foes that have been snared if they are unable to break free. [*]Unable to move at all. [*]Anyone able to get close enough and manages to avoid all the barbed tails could quite possibly hurt him if they are able to somehow get through the small gap in his wings to allow the use of his Bikaku. [/list] [i][b]Combination 2; Koukaku Appearance 2, Bikaku Appearance 2[/b][/i] Arms. Arms for days. [list] [*]Aggressive Stance. [*]Ideal for basically anything, be it fighting or working. [*]Very fast and strong limbs, with the good mix it is hard if not impossible to tell which is which. [*]Very little openings. [*]Could quite possibly be overpowered by brute strength or someone that is able to destroy at least two of his extra 'limbs'. [/list] [i][b]Combination 3; Koukaku Appearance 1, Bikaku Appearance 2[/b][/i] Impossibly powerful shield and two very fast and agile hands. [list] [*]Defensive Stance. [*]Ideal for defending and escape. [*]Could easily be overpowered by anyone that can move faster than his hands. Wings could probably prove to be a bit of a problem for them though if they are not strong enough to at least break one. [*]Is able to move with the aid of the extra limbs, but is still kind of slow. [/list] [i][b]Combination 4; Koukaku Appearance 2, Bikaku Appearance 1[/b][/i] Four barbed tails with three extra barbs on each of the tails split ends and two very sturdy clawed limbs. [list] [*]Aggressive Stance. [*]Likely Rei's most aggressive 'form'. [*]With the combination of his immensely fast barbed tails and the pure crushing strength of the clawed hands, anyone who cant move fast enough is subject to being wounded or killed quickly. [*]Ideal for many opponents. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Exhaustion Rates/Extra Information] [h3]::Extra/Important Information::[/h3] [list] [*]Rei has horrible regeneration for a ghoul with dual Kagune. A wound that might take others a mere few hours to heal might take Rei a day and a half if not longer. [*]Using both of his Kagune at once for an extended amount of time can tire him out VERY quickly. It isn't entirely uncommon for him to fall unconscious or be insanely fatigued and tired for days, if not weeks afterwards depending on what happened and if he was wounded. [*]To keep up with his constant fatigue after a fight, he has to eat quite a bit to keep himself going. While most ghouls might only have to eat every so often, it is practically ideal for him to eat every day if not every few days at the least. He can go for a while without eating, but it doesn't turn out well in his or anyone elses' favor. [/list] [h3]::Exhaustion Rates::[/h3] The time it takes for Rei to become exhausted varies greatly between each Kagune and between each different form while also factoring in various variables, including but not limited to; Rei's stamina and physical ability, if he is wounded already or not, how well he has eaten, mental stability, and willingness to fight. Due to the fact that he has a much easier time using his Bikaku, he can often use it longer than his Koukaku. I decided to run this off of a point system to figure out how many posts he is able to use his Kagune. I'll edit and fit them accordingly given circumstances and when/if combat is initiated with Rei, it will be posted with each post until combat is over in a similar fashion so whomever he is currently fighting is able to see and keep track of it much easier and allows for any errors or miscalculations to be called out as well by others. )) [hider=The Key] [b]::KEY::[/b] +1 is the common. +2 is a small bonus or 'rare' condition. +3 is considered 'Desperation' or 'Motivated'. +4 is considered 'Fighting for Life status' and will not be invoked without given permission. -4 is 'Dying and unable to function properly' Status. -3 is 'Unwilling to fight' or 'Severely wounded or underfed' Status. -2 is 'Already Wounded or Tired' Status. -1 is the biggest of 'No'. -1/2 is a big 'No'. 0 is 'No'. 1/2 is half of a basic point. [/hider] [hider=Koukaku][b]Koukaku; First Appearance;[/b] Full Stamina/Physical Ability; Yes +1 Wounded; No +1 Well Fed; Yes +1 Mental Stability; Good +1 Want to Fight; Yes +2 Estimated Time of Usage; 5-6 Posts after activation, 7 if pushing the limit. [b]Koukaku; First Appearance;[/b] Full Stamina/Physical Ability; Depleted +1/2 Wounded; Yes +1/2 Well Fed; No +1/2 Mental Stability; Bad +1/2 Want to Fight; No +1/2 Estimated Time of Usage; 3-4 Post after activation, 5 if pushing the limit. [b]Koukaku; Second Appearance;[/b] Full Stamina/Physical Ability; Yes +1 Wounded; No +1 Well Fed; Yes +1 Mental Stability; Good +1 Want to Fight; Yes +2 Estimated Time of Usage; 5-6 Posts after activation, 7 if pushing the limit. [b]Koukaku; Second Appearance;[/b] Full Stamina/Physical Ability; Depleted +1/2 Wounded; Yes +1/2 Well Fed; No +1/2 Mental Stability; Bad +1/2 Want to Fight; No +1/2 Estimated Time of Usage; 3-4 Post after activation, 5 if pushing the limit. [/hider] [hider=Bikaku][b]Bikaku; First Appearance;[/b] Full Stamina/Physical Ability; Yes +1 Wounded; No +1 Well Fed; Yes +1 Mental Stability; Good +1 Want to Fight; Yes +3 Estimated Time of Usage; 7-8 Posts after activation, 9 if pushing the limit. [b]Bikaku; First Appearance;[/b] Full Stamina/Physical Ability; Depleted +1/2 Wounded; Yes +1/2 Well Fed; No +1/2 Mental Stability; Bad +1/2 Want to Fight; No +2 Estimated Time of Usage; 4-5 Posts after activation, 7 if pushing the limit. [b]Bikaku; Second Appearance;[/b] Full Stamina/Physical Ability; Yes +1 Wounded; No +1 Well Fed; Yes +1 Mental Stability; Good +1 Want to Fight; Yes +3 Estimated Time of Usage; 7-8 Posts after activation, 9 if pushing the limit. [b]Bikaku; Second Appearance;[/b] Full Stamina/Physical Ability; Depleted +1/2 Wounded; Yes +1/2 Well Fed; No +1/2 Mental Stability; Bad +1/2 Want to Fight; No +2 Estimated Time of Usage; 4-5 Posts after activation, 7 if pushing the limit. [/hider] [hider=Combined][b]::COMBINED::[/b] [b]Combination 1; Koukaku Appearance 1, Bikaku Appearance 1[/b] Full Stamina/Physical Ability; Yes +1/2 Wounded; No +1/2 Well Fed; Yes +1/2 Mental Stability; Good +1/2 Want to Fight; Yes +3 Estimated Time of Usage; 5-6 Posts after activation, 7 if pushing the limit. [b]Combination 2; Koukaku Appearance 2, Bikaku Appearance 2[/b] Full Stamina/Physical Ability; Yes +1 Wounded; No +1 Well Fed; Yes +1 Mental Stability; Good +1 Want to Fight; Yes +3 Estimated Time of Usage; 7-8 Posts after activation, 9 if pushing the limit. [b]Combination 3; Koukaku Appearance 1, Bikaku Appearance 2[/b] Full Stamina/Physical Ability; Yes +1/2 Wounded; No +1 Well Fed; Yes +1 Mental Stability; Good +1 Want to Fight; Yes +2 Estimated Time of Usage; 5-6 Posts after activation, 7 if pushing the limit. [b]Combination 4; Koukaku Appearance 2, Bikaku Appearance 1[/b] Full Stamina/Physical Ability; Yes +2 Wounded; No +1/2 Well Fed; Yes +1/2 Mental Stability; Good +1/2 Want to Fight; Yes +3 Estimated Time of Usage; 6-7 Posts after activation, 8 if pushing the limit.[/hider] [/hider] [center][h3]::Affiliation::[/h3][/center] The Spade Gang [h3]::Other::[/h3] [list] [*]Unlike others in the Spade Gang, Rei does not take on the name 'Spade'. It was at his own personal request to Sage, that after years of not having any contact with his family, he wanted to, at the least, keep the name they had given him. [*]While never asked or really stated, Rei is very well aware that his parents are dead, having been killed a short time after he had been brought to America. [*]He can speak quite a few different languages fluently and can understand a whole bunch more, even if he cannot speak them properly. [*]Like any ghoul, he detests human food since he cant eat it. But... he REALLY likes how certain foods look. It isn't uncommon to see him reading a food magazine or looking in store-fronts. [*]Lets be honest here and lets all be thankful Rei doesn't actually like to fight at all if he can help it. [/list] [/center] [/hider] [center][color=00aeef][u][b]~ ~ ~[/b][/u][/color][/center] [hider=The Soldiers] [hider= *1] [hider=The Dove Huey][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7d/83/dd/7d83ddf6b88b97d5b8c825c917101bef.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Huey has always looked at life as cruel and always sees the sadder side of it. He does feel pity but mostly to the humans, and he's stopped hunting humans just because it's become too easy and boring like shooting fish in a barrel. But if he can't get his true choice of food he'll settle on a human just for that night. Huey has gone crazy and has developed a split personality, one is the normal-ish side you would normally see when he tries to blend in with humans, but the other is side that comes out when he uses his kagune. On top of that he might have a slight anger issue all around. Diving into his other more psychotic side. Huey becomes a ruthless person and will kill anything that stands in his way of his objective especially if it's his prey. This side is smart enough to know not to cause too much commotion so he doesn't attract unwanted attention. [b]History:[/b] Huey grew up of course as an outcast never fitting in with anyone else. He's probably gone back an fourth between districts each time ending worse than the last. What usually happened was he got crossed and was chased out of the district by other ghouls wanting his territory. It became apparent at some point to Huey that hunting humans and eating was just too boring and easy. It was when he was on the hunt that another ghoul took his food, so he killed that ghoul and feasted on it. The taste was like nothing he has ever experienced and it was a thrill to hunt something that could actually stand a chance and fight back against Huey. This became his new food choice and every time he got hungry he went out and hunted ghouls, some would say he is doing the right thing killing ghouls but was it really? Of course from mass consumption of ghouls Huey became a Kakuja and developed a split personality is what most would say, but actually nothing was ever split between the two. Deep inside his mind Huey battles his other part for control. When the Spade Gang caught wind of him they came knocking knowing the control of a Kakuja would make them even stronger. Huey was promised if he joined and helped them he would be promised the most thrilling hunts he could ever dream of. [b]Mask:[/b] [hider][img]http://d2rormqr1qwzpz.cloudfront.net/photos/2013/04/09/47330-bioshock1.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Kagune Type:[/b] Ukaku [b]Kagune Description:[/b] A pair of wings come out of Huey's back and the sort of resemble blood red dove wings. They can fire feather shaped projectiles that have a razors edge and can slice/pierce his enemies, and his wings allow him to use the ability of flight. The wings also have a razors edge so they can be used to slice opponents. Finally do to the wing size they can also be used to block whatever Huey wants to block. [/hider] [/hider]