[center][color=f26522][h2]Kalani Solle[/h2][/color] Bride of [color=bc8dbf]Cuwarr Naxremis[/color] and Sister-bride to [color=a2d39c]Sorici Amberra[/color][/center] When Kalani woke up, she was surprised by how rested she felt. One would think that spending the night with a Drakken would be a lot more fear-inducing or stressful or even painful. She opened her eyes slowly, and was facing Sorici, her sister-bride. It seemed that her husband was already up and about. She rose up and stretched her arms, soothing the tensions that were built up in her neck and shoulders. She let out a loud sigh of relief. She could not deny that so far, it was a good morning. It took a moment before she realized that her husband was standing in front of the bed. Had he seen her entire display? No matter, they were husband and wife now. There was no need to feel embarrassed. She offered him a gentle smile and said, [color=f26522]"Good morning, mi'lord. Did you sleep well?"[/color] After greeting her husband, Kalani got off the bed and went into the wash room to clean herself up and prepare herself for the day. It was going to be the start of her new life at a new, strange place. She had put on a airy dress that was nice but practical enough. There was no point in being uncomfortable throughout the entire journey. She combed her hair and tied it up in a loose side ponytail. Satisfied with her appearance, she returned back to the bedroom. [color=f26522]"So, mi'lord, are we going back to your home today? Will it be a long trip?"[/color] she asked, walking up beside him. She placed a hand on his shoulder. She let her hand feel his shoulder before running it down his arm until it reached his hand. She intertwined their fingers. His hands were much larger than her own. But it was not uncomfortable at all.