Today Mary seemed to be in a better mood. She let yesterday pass her, and she didn't let that Skip guy get to her head. She didn't need to worry about it, she just wasn't interested. Today she wore a red long sleeved plain shirt along with a long black skirt and her sneakers. She didn't feel like really dressing up today. She knew today was going to be a good day. Mary smiled talking to Tamisha and Amanda about the cheer squad, "Yea that'll be soo much fun! When do I try out!" she asked very excited. She never has done something like that before, she doesn't even know if she is even flexible, but she figured she'd at least give it a shot, and hey if she was good at it that was another plus! She wondered why Skip hadn't messed with her today yet, maybe he decided to give her space? Tamisha then looked over and saw someone, Mary had her back faced towards the guys table, and she looked at Tamisha with a confused look when she said that, she thought maybe it was Skip, so she rolled her eyes with a smile and then turn around to see Damien. Her face instantly went red. "Oh hi!" she responded as she then turned back to Amanda and Tamisha with a look of 'did I just do that' mentally face palming herself. She didn't know why she instantly did that but, she felt embarrassed. She didn't forget that he said he'd eat lunch with her, but she figured he forgot because he wasn't there. She then tried to figure out anything else to say, but couldn't. She then started to eat her lunch. (OOC- A guy friend of mine (Who I like, and he knows -.-) says "Oh hi" all the time, and my sister, and my best friend whenever I am upset or sad or anything like that they just say "Oh hi" and instantly I just laugh because that reminds me of how he says it.)