[hider=Misty Softmore] [center] [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/c902/i/2013/294/8/8/misty_day_by_ckt-d6rbybu.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Misty Softmore [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Species[/b]: Elf [b]Born in[/b]: Ruro, Wildefort Forest [b]Alignment[/b]: True Neutral [/center] [b]Personality[/b]: Misty is a quiet person who secludes herself from the outside world. She dislikes social interaction and is anxious to meet new people to have personal conversations with. She however doesn't have these anxieties when people come to seek her out for advice. She is one with nature, keeping it close to her heart and the only thing she finds comfort in. She has barely any knowledge about the outside world and is rather scared of it because of all the different being roaming about there. [b]Bio[/b]: Misty was raised as a normal human in Bomen, having been found an orphan there. She however was a special one-of-a-kind who had the precious ability to heal people beyond anyone's imagination. She was quickly seen as a priestess, being kept safe inside of a shrine, only being used as medical care for others. But rebellions started against her, not seeing her as a gift send from above but rather as a demon or a witch and thus planned to burn her. What was said was done. The rebellion got the upper hand and burned Misty at the stake. She however had anticipated this and already arranged to revive herself afterwards, using her outstanding healing powers. When she rose from the dead she fled to Ruro where she isolated herself in a forest. [b]Power 1[/b]: [b]Vitalum Vitalis[/b], the power to balance the scales between one life force and another and it's upgrade [b]Resurgence[/b], also known as resurrection, is the ability the revive the dead. Although the latter one she only did successfully once. [b]Power 2[/b]: Florakinesis, the ability to manipulate the plants in the surrounding area. [b]Likes[/b]: nature, peace, tranquility, the smile of a newborn [b]Dislikes[/b]: the church, fire, lies, true darkness [b]Family[/b]: Adoptive parents in Bomen [b]Friends[/b]: none as of yet [b]Sentimental Attachment[/b]: A heart locked she got from the people who took her in in Bomen. [hider=Ember] [img]http://opinioncenter.li/static/a839aa7e00d1287c2ec89e993e3bcbe8.jpg[/img] [b]Pet Name[/b]: Ember [b]Pet Age[/b]: about 6 years old [b]Pet Gender[/b]: Female [b]Pet Species[/b]: Firefly [b]Pet Personality[/b]: Ember is a little firefly that sticks with Misty as her conscience. She joined her after she had resurrected herself and brought her to Ruro, saying it is a place for her. Misty feels like Ember is her guardian angel in this second life. Ember always encourages Misty to do new things but will always respect her decisions and stand up for her. [b]Pet Power 1[/b]: Can shoot small orbs of light. [b]Pet Power 2[/b]: Can conjure up a weak barrier to hold off attacks for Misty. [/hider] [/hider]