Gish shared the glance with Rose. This wasn't exactly what she had expected either. She'd thought the place would be empty. She was not thinking there would be a kindly old grandma in there. A kindly old grandma that was [i]so[/i] kindly old grandma that it made her wonder whether or not this was some kind of trick. On the other hand the inside of the place smelled soooooooo good, and no one had ever invited her to eat before. She was dragged passed William by her own nose and stepped over the threshold into the small house. Then she gasped and leaped back in alarm, back outside. She fidgeted there for a moment, then stomped both her feet and wiped them on the grass. She looked down at them, nodded to herself, then stepped back inside. "I'm sorry." She said to the old lady. "I don't get invited in much so I don't know how to...I mean I forget..." She struggled, then turned back to the group. "Remember to wipe your feet." She said. This was something new and exciting and she'd almost ruined it for everyone. When you entered someone else's home you wiped your feet, she'd seen it hundreds of times. It was small rituals like that that helped separate people from creatures. She thought about how the rest of it went, before turning back to the old lady and bowing slightly. "Thank you for inviting us into your home Miss Mimi my name is Gish it is a pleasure to meet you you have a lovely home."