Rocky nodded once more and stepped around Kabiri to start his own perimeter sweep, moving purposefully towards the dense foliage. As he went Rocky produced his communicator once more and, after a bit of awkward fiddling, managed to tune it to a frequency that would actually allow for communication, brought it up to his face, "[b]Lyco, this is Rocky, I'm going to cover the area just east of you, let me know if you see anything off, over.[/b]" he said. The Skälen stopped just before stepping into the brush to look back at Kabiri, "[b]Try not to fall behind.[/b]" he said mirthfully. With that Rocky plunged into the jungle, trying to move at just a slow enough pace to allow the doctor to catch up before he got far in. Rocky's eyes darted back and forth, his nostrils flared as he tried to pick up any sorts of scents that were even vaguely animal like, his head twisted and turned every now and then as he tried to listen for the sounds of movement in the underbrush.