Maki had enough fighting for a day, and grateful to hear McKnight sound the retreat, engaged her boosters and began her ascent back to the Lincoln. It didn't take long for the rumbling to stop, indicating that they had left the planet's atmosphere behind. All around her lay the remains of the battle that had happened earlier. Even the Lincoln, as proudly standing as she was, looked just about ready to bail. The Japanese pilot let out a whistle when she noticed the damage taken by the Coalition ships. It was apparent the Lincoln's WMG was responsible, but the position meant... oh shit.[color=00a651] "That crazy bitch actually ordered a shot through the moon's atmosphere. Damn."[/color] She remarked to herself. It was why she regarded Alexis so highly, and the 101st were dangerous when backed into a corner, not just the pilots of the 7th. Still, being willing the strip whatever atmosphere the moon had for a shot like that... There wasn't much time to admire the captain's handiwork. The hangar was ready and waiting for her Hellcat, and Maki had her machine docked and powered down to the sound of applause. The crew were celebrating the safe return of the captured pilots, and the Japanese woman couldn't fault them for looking for some reprieve from the battle fatigue and thoughts of those who didn't make it. [color=00a651]"Well, that was something." [/color]Maki sighed, finally allowing herself to relax now that she was in the relative safety of the hangar. The pilot reached under her seat to pull out a Snickers bar she had stashed there. Now seemed as good a time as any to eat it. She stepped out of the cockpit with one end of the bar in her mouth as she immediately waved off the medics who were there to check on her. [color=00a651] "I'm fine. The doctor can check up on me later. Tend to those who are actually wounded." [/color]She managed to say as she elbowed past her adoring fans. No doubt there'd be a debrief later, but for now the 101st would be licking their wounds. Maki already spotted trouble. The rookie was huddled up, crying over the body of a dead marine. GĂ©rard was there tending to the girl, and consoling her. Coming face to face with the aftermath of a battle was difficult the first few times. Especially for MAS pilots. Maki nearly vomited after she arrived on the scene of the first battle to tally the kills and confirm the deaths. The smell of spilled blood and flesh was overwhelming, mingling with the odour of burning metal and electronics. [color=00a651]"Alright, rookie. On your feet."[/color] Maki asserted herself and yanked the girl up to stand. [color=00a651]"We can mourn later. The dead can wait their turn for sympathy. It's the living that need our attention now."[/color] Space battles were gruesome. Any body left intact for identification was a godsend. It would help Ari find some catharsis to help the wounded. The feeling of helping them get better in spite of some really horrifying injuries would have to be enough for now.