[center] [img]http://t06.deviantart.net/QESyJoZMo0PGMhzw6cdfY0DUc5M=/fit-in/300x900/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre14/64ab/th/pre/i/2015/316/6/e/vegeta_planet_flag__anime_flag__by_robertovile-d9ggwdr.png[/img] [h1][color=red]The True Imperial Press[/color][/h1][/center] Saurilia has always been blessed by having the grace of the True Emporer and the royal family in all their glory that had been sent from the heavens to this us simple minded men. However, it is a shame that the rest of the world does not hold the same views and must be labelled in the way of heretics, such goes the way of the world. The most troubling fact is that all the loyal citizens in the Empire believe that the faith can hold, that signifies that these are truly trying times. I may remind my brothers and sisters that we must remain loyal to the faith, lest we all commit the ultimate sin to the Emporer and the heavens. These times are the times in which we are judged, all times we are judged for what we do and what is commonly called sin. Preachers are doing their job as true loyal citizens and praising the Emporer all that he has done for the Empire, it has always been so. It has been written by the Holy Scribes of Old that we must remain loyal or we may never ascend to the heavens and become truly righteous beings. To not remain loyal would be to damn oneself to oblivion and the soul would forever be tortured by not being able to enter the heavens. So my brothers and sisters, I hope that we remain loyal to the faith and resist the temptation of sin as the royal family would want us to. Hail to the Emporer and the Holy Empire!