[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Sofia_-_Bulgaria_-_Lion's_Bridge_and_the_surrounding_area_in_1910.jpg[/img] [i]Bryagovo, Dongaria, 1911[/i][/center] [i]Bryagovo, Kingdom of Dongaria[/i] The arrival of the Zellonian diplomat was unannounced and the whispers that the Dongarian king Rufus II had to cut short his annual hunting trip stymied already soured relationships. Rufus returned and met the diplomat, a man whom never once announced his name and that both Rufus and the queen, Margherita, found incessant and rude. He came with no terms, ideas or dialogue, Rufus at last said: "Well what in the hell have you come all this way for?" The Zellonian diplomat was sent back to the Grand Zellonian Empire with no news except that Rufus promised if that man were seen in his court again he would be hanged for insolence. The Dongarian Kingdom, long home to a people whom referred to themselves as the Plovdiv, were ceremonial and self-righteous. The young Zellonian Czar would have much to learn about politics.