[center][b]Reina Saotome || Forest[/b][/center] [color=9e0b0f]"Hey! I'm still here, you dumb robot!"[/color] The make do spear was aimed full force towards the mosca which had diverted its attention away from Rei. [color=9e0b0f]"And if that's not enough, take this!!"[/color] Without giving time for the hostile robot to react, she slowly picked up a huge rock about half her size and threw it towards the robot. For a normal person, it would've been impossible for them to even lift such weight and more so to throw it but Rei had a gift strength that she now appreciated in this time of need. [i]'Yoshi better be okay, I can't stand to lose my best bud here!'[/I] The raven haired girl gritted her teeth as she took cover behind a tree, hoping her distraction worked and got the robot's attention away from the boss. Hands evidently shook in fear, was it going to fire its bullets towards her next? This was becoming scarily too real too quick, she hadn't expected this much danger on the first day after joining the mafia family. Rei shook away her thoughts and focused on finding a way to get both her and Yoshi out of this. Not too long after, she heard the loud screaming,[color=f7941d]"REEEEEEEEEEEEBOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRN!!!!"[/color] Confused by what had happened, Rei peeked from behind the tree what was going on. [color=9e0b0f]"What the hell, Yoshi!!! Watch out!!!"[/color] Disregarding the ridiculous fact that he was now just in his underwear, Rei screamed, feeling helpless at the suicidal attack that Yoshi initiated. It was too dangerous to throw another huge rock with her bud being in such close proximity to their enemy, the tomboy couldn't do anything but throw stones at it with all her might.