[quote=@CAS1006] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] Upon reading all that, I sorta just went. "Though, you do have valid points, Fandom Rps usually do take traction away from different, to original ideas simply because they have more namesake than original projects. It is a risk of interest and overall can be a waste of time, even though I do groan at a lack of original projects." It just sucks when you know the person with the original idea they had just sorta gets... deluded because of "Don't know it, don't want it." mentality a lot of people seem to display. Let's not get started on people trying to insert their lore into your story when they have not even asked if they could or not. [/quote] A good portion of those issues with people wedging in possibly unrelated material comes from Game Masters of original content feeling, in many cases, obligated to be more open and welcoming to any submission put forward. I know I am extremely cautious and examine each closely, but by telling players "Sorry, but that is not what I am looking for." often results in them just withdrawing. It is a fine, difficult balance. One has to be willing to stick to the idea at hand and in mind, but find sufficient flexibility to make others' ideas work. If one is fortunate, the result can be really well made, very creative content that expands the world and how it behaves, but most players would rather just play than have to explain and integrate fine details and mechanics. No fault of their own - there is only so much time one has for roleplaying and world building in one of those.