[@The Harbinger of Ferocity]When the Guild was the old Guild, before the take down and what not, there was an Rp I had running that was high fantasy. And there were many people that were enjoying it. But there was one guy, that would not only listen to when addressed, but ignored others when things were not going his way. My job as a GM is to provide a world, characters and a story that goes with an adventure that players effectively forge from what I give them. But when some guy just basically inserts his own lore, without my consent or talking about it, it isn't unfair when I give a warning, especially when it annoys everyone around him. It just wasn't a fun experience. There was another project I can throw shade at... All I will say is... "Zelda does not need Christianity. Termina was a Realm of Link's Imagination and this cannot exist with Hyrule." This was before the crash too. The Cringe was real.