Ciara snuck around the manor, hiding her precence to the best she could. One slip up and it could mean her certain death. She had no idea if Botis was angry at her, or if he was being to pridefull again. The carped she had landed on seemed to continue forever through the hallways, bringing some more confusion to Ciara as to where she should go. She didn't have the time to seach for him. If he indeed was angry at her they would have a clash, no doubt about it. She had to safe her mana as much as she could, if possible she had to avoid using the airbubble spell again. If she had to use it again, there would be an opeing for Botis to attack. He would not miss it, not him. After 15 minutes of wandering around Ciara felt a familiar precence in a room at the end of a hallway. She hesitated to go near it, but decided to go for she had masked herself perfectly. 22 minutes passed, 18 more to go. Ciara calculated to herself. To short, way to short of a time to set up her circle and capture Botis, reason with him and get him to agree that the contract was still in place. Ciara sighed for there was no other option. She refreshed her spell, she gained another 40 minutes. just 40 minutes.... Ciara laid her hand on the door and pushed it slightly open, she peeked through the opening only to see Botis sitting on his throne. Besides him stood a beautifull yet eerie sword, Ciara wondered why she had never seen it before. She clenched her wand in her hand as she made her plan of attack. She had to use 'that' spell again if she wanted to get close to Botis. She kinda started to like 'turned to ash'by now, but the flames still scard her. ''Calore, combussit, exæstuavit: ad cinerem, et ego ad nihilum deducet. ignis, metus elit. Ipse ad nihilum redigam in profluentem cineres esse venti. O artificialis vitae, forma ignis meae mihique occurrerit revertenti'' She wrote on the ground with her wand, infusing each stroke of it with magic, making the words appear on the floor. Ciara didn't wanted to rick being found for makinging a sound. Quickly Ciara burned away, entering the room Botis was in ,in the form of ashes. She was going to use her trademark attack again. offence circles. [img][/img] She took her time drawing this one, making sure Botis did not notice a thing. The circle consisted out of six smaller circles that were drawn around another bigger one. The middle consisted out of multible trianges. Ciara had to be in the middle of the thing to control it, but once she would be in there it was hard to get to her. The outher lines were the ones that attacked, they would shoot out a black flame. The triangles were a barrier, they would protect Ciara from anything. The six circles each had their own special attack. Again this barrier would focus its power on one point, making both the offence as the defence layerd. Ciara had worked had developing this one. She started working on it even before she had summoned Botis, and she found it about high time she could use it, it was conveniant that her mana outpout had increased, but it still did not explain why Ciara felt some holy magic within her after the first day of discovering it had increased. The circle had no name, no spell, it simply got activated by her blood. As quick as she could she materialized within the cirlce, cut her wrist and turned to ashes, she was gone even before her fallen blood had reached the ground. She made her way to Botis as soon as she could, and materialized infront of him. One of her knees rested on the stone seat of his throne while her other leg supported her body. The collar of Botis's jacket was in her hand, she squeezed it tight, making sure he could not leave. Her other hand held her wand wich pointed at Botis, her clamore spell ready to be fired. ''Count, care to explain why you disagreed to our contract'' Ciara said, making an attempt to sound treathening. Her voice broken, if possible she wanted to avoid fighting him. 20 minutes left.