[center][h1]Stasya Volkov[/h1] [h3]Location: Lyra's room[/h3][/center] Stasya barely noticed the other girl waving from beside her. Instead, her concern was entirely focused on Lyra, and the fact that a pair of cuffs were locking her to the bed, and she was sobbing. Cold anger boiled in her gut, her nails shifted into claws, and her teeth sharpened as bone spikes split through the skin of her forearms and down her spine. [i]She can't even walk, but they think they need to chain her up? What the hell do they think they're doing![/i] For a moment, she allowed herself the luxury of seething, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Now wasn't the time to be angry. Right now, Lyra was crying, and while she didn't understand what the girl was saying, she could guess that it had something to do with her, their, current circumstances. The spines and claws melted back into her body, and Stasya slipped into the bed beside Lyra, hesitantly placing an arm around her shoulders and gently pulling the weeping girl into her chest. "Не больно, не плачь. (No hurt, no cry,)" she crooned, rocking slightly from side to side to reassure the girl, one hand running through her hair. As she held her, letting her cry, Stasya gave the bedroom a cold look. She no longer cared what sort of 'facility' this place was, if this was how they were going to treat a cripple. She needed to get them both out of here, as soon as possible. Of course, she couldn't [b]tell[/b] Lyra that yet, but that wasn't the point. Eventually, she could, and that was promise that she was going to keep. Plus, Lyra's family life was probably better than her own. Maybe some place to go, once she had gotten Natali. "Я здесь, не плачь. Я буду ухаживать за тобой, я обещаю, (I'm here, do not cry. I'll look after you, I promise)" she whispered, pressing her lips against the top of Lyra's head. Leaning back a little, Stasya gave as reassuring and warm smile as she could. "Lyra." [@Airalin] [@HecateProxy]