[centre][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/e4a6/f/2016/083/1/2/ardos_by_fenixking13-d9w8yq4.png[/img][/centre] [centre][color=6ecff6][b]Artos Bane[/b][/color][/centre] Both blades whistled through the air like scythes as they cleaved into and through the soft skin and brittle bones of his foes with ease. Anything in his path quickly returned to their grave and littered the floor, to be replaced by yet another such foe. Despite the clearly overwhelming odds against such a swarm of creatures, Artos was managing to keep them contained in small pockets. Though he was all to aware that he could not prevent all of them from flanking him or flowing past to get at his companions. That alone forced him to give ground to the surge. Until someone could guarantee the safety of the group as a whole, he would back up. The circle absolute zero expanded further at his command to swallow and shatter even more of their foes. Artos caught sight of one skeleton creating a sphere of mana. Suddenly the fight was about to get much worse for their crew if the creatures could command magic as well. The warrior slammed his sword staff into a fleshy corpse as it toppled at his feet and lay motionless with the blade sticking up into the air. In the same practiced motion he brought the bow from his back and retrieved an ice arrow from his right hand sword sheath. Deft with blade or bow, the created missile flew straight to puncture the skull of the skeleton aiming at Travis, its spell wasted with its end. The immediate threat gone did not mean more wouldn't return. Artos hung the bow over his chest and retrieved his spear. [color=00aeef]"We will not survive the encounter like this. We need to spread them out or funnel the things into a killing field somehow." [/color] His blades spun overhead before cleaving down straight through the brittle body of a half frozen zombie, a second swipe took a head clean off the shoulders. One at a time was meant to be tiring. A skilled foe like the Ogre would be better suited to Artos' style of destruction but the Raiya had other plans. Breathing in a steady rhythm he focused on trying to find a solution. It came to him with the sound of more opening coffins. The coffins! [color=00aeef]"Try to toss down their coffins. We can use them to create a wall against their magic." [/color] Whether or not it worked was going to be a gamble. Not to mentioned whether or not they could do it at all with them rushing so hard. Artos detached both blades once more. He needed to buy time and that meant drawing the attention of the creatures as best as possible. The flasks at his hip oozed out the clear water to flow about his blades and freeze, extending their reach by over a foot without making it unruly to wield. Finally he channeled Absolute zero around him, about 6 feet out it would start the effect until they reached within 2 feet where it would reach below freezing temperatures. From there the only way to go now was out. In a sprint, Artos slashed left and right with seeming abandon, aiming at legs and heads only to cripple or draw attention, as the proud swordsman waded into the throng of monsters, even jumping from downed monsters to the heads of the crowd and beyond. Raiya would deal with the single colossal threat. Artos would try to deal with the smaller threat. Hopefully Nemo could rally the others.