Sam cocked an eyebrow at the three who had interfered in her negotiations. The first one, some lab experiment of a creature looking half ghoulish and half human seemed to decline the extra caps for no particular reason. The insane hunter from before, possibly crazed from radiation sickness, argued for the original expense with a series of mission expenses despite the fact that it had already been apart of the deal and thus demanded less money on the whole. The third was possibly the worst, Carver was wishy washy and could go either way on the price. Sam mentally noted the three of them as morons, making plans to stay as far away from them as she could until the mission was done with. Someone who was poor with their caps did not have the survival instinct in place to keep themselves alive and put those around them in danger. She nodded at Victoria at the acceptance of her barter, despite her weakened position from the three dullards. She had expected some sort of counter offer, despite what this woman said it seemed that she truly was in desperate need of assistance to hand over so many credits for one excursion. The super mutant known as Joshua gave her a nod of respect due to her bartering on his behalf. Sam returned the gesture in kind, the mutant seemed to be quite capable, intelligent, and had smashed the glowing ghoul which had done quite a lot to alleviate her concerns. Besides it always paid to be friendly with the hulking behemoth carrying a rocket launch in a dangerous situation... possibly many social ones as well now that she thought about it. She chatted around some with the locals about some of the previous expeditions that had entered Florida both before and after the GECK activated, but to no surprise found nothing about her family. There was nothing more she wished to say to her fellow volunteers until morning so went back into her room to works on repairing a minor issue in her rifle. Even though it was a small issue, those small degrees of care and preparation were often the difference between a successful scavenger and a dead scavenger. When she was completed, she slept for the rest of the night before heading to the meeting place. She gave the group a collected nod and knelt down to ensure that the contents of her pockets and bag were all secure and ready for her to transport comfortably while she waited for Victoria.