[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=142543&s=55&t=Station%20Five&c=CFCFCF[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XfBo9Vu.jpg?1[/img] [url=https://www.pinterest.com/emmatarin/the-station-rpg/]Image Gallery[/url][/center] [hider=RPG] The current year is 1109 A.O. Over 1114 years ago seven space stations had been created. Each one big enough to support a population of three million people. These stations had been created for the coming end of the earth. Scientist had been monitoring earths radiation, pollution, oxygen, and resources levels for decades, and calculated that there was only about 20 years left of the earth being livable to humans. Space was the only option. Luckily they already had a colony on the moon, and a small research outpost on Mars, so living in space was not some impossible dream. The stations were created to save humanity from extinction, and more stations were in the works to be built, but then the Nuclear World War (aka WW5) started, and construction stopped. The people deemed too important to lose ([i]Technicians, Doctors, scientists, historians, inventor, astronauts, engineers, and specialists[/i]) were sent with their families to the stations. Over the next six months over 5,000 ships were sent packed full of people to the stations. The war got worse and flights leaving earth became harder to get on, as the rich, educated, and young were given priority over all others. Anyone with deformities, illness, medical disorders, criminal records, or over the age of 65 were denied indefinitely. Nine months later the WW5 finally ended, as it became apparent to everyone on earth that the end was coming. Riots broke out, and people gave everything they had for a seat on a shuttle. Women purposefully would get pregnant so that they could be boosted up the list for a seat. Two months later multiple natural disasters hit one right after the other. Tsunamis sunk the countries of Japan, Iceland, Norway, Indonesia, Ireland, Philippines, Greece, Cuba, Haiti, Thailand, Somalia, New Zealand, and most of the UK, overnight. Hurricanes ripped across every continent, and earthquakes crumbled cities to dust. Those were called the months of omega. The last of the supply ships were being sent up, when a group of scientist started the Alpha Project. The project was away to help the human race flourish. The people on earth that opted to be left behind, and the people who were denied passage were given a option of donating their sperm/eggs for rations, and given the privilege of being interviewed for one of the limited spots in cryogenic freeze. This was all done as a way to preserve the human race, and prevent inbreeding among the predicted low percent of human survivors. Practically every man and woman over 18 donated. And the sperm/eggs/embryos were sent to the stations. And finally the day came, and the last two shuttles were filled. Leaving behind 10 billion people on earth to die. Shortly after the last ship left every volcano on earth erupted at the same time, the smoke and ash blocked out the sun, and eternal winter commenced, on earth. It has been over 1109 years since the end of life on earth. The stations are over populated, and people have been living on rations for generations. Twelve colonies have been formed on various planets. Two intelligent humanoid aliens races have been discovered. And the search for a new earth has become the number one priority. (A.O. stands for After Omega) [/hider] [hider=RULES] 1. All site rules most definitely apply within this Roleplay. 2. I'm expecting at least Two Paragraphs of decent writing per post for this RP. However, I understand that writer's block sucks, and sometimes there not much to say. 3. You can play up to three characters, but I would advise starting with only one. 4. The usual, no god-modding, blah 5. You can totally contribute you original creatures/plants and other ideas to the world. So If you have an idea, creation, or something to add to the world/lore, just PM me. 6. No fighting, bickering, or meanies in OOC 7. Must wait for CS approval before posting it up in the Characters Tab, and heading to the IC. 8. It is a open sandbox world, so you can play as whatever you wish. Though there will be some plots and storylines throughout the Rp/world.[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Photo - Digital Art Only Name: (Full Name) Nickname: (nicknames, alias, aka, and Citizenship: (Basically where they where born, or have registered to be a citizen) Race: (Human, Cosmarian, Briarri, possible other races in the works too...) Age: Gender: Eye Color: Hair Color: Height: Weight: Appearance: (Other things about there appearance. Tattoos, Body Mods, Bionics, piercings, Scars, Implants, etc. You can also include things like clothing style, and wearable tech.) Occupation: Relationships: Skills: (training, education, knowledge, and helpful space life skills.) Bio: Other: (anything you wish to add)[/hider] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [hider=General Things to Know] [hider=Government] [u]The station is governed by a council of 21 elected individuals. Known collectively as The Council.[/u] [b]Chancellor[/b] - Basically the president, of the station. They are elected every five years. [b]Vise Chancellor[/b] - They are the right hand of the Chancellor, and also the primary assistant. [b]Magistrate[/b] - The high judge. They are the casting vote of the council and citizen disputes. [b]Commander[/b] - Exercises supreme operational command and control of a station's military force. [b]Marshal[/b] - Chief of police, and head of security on the station. [b]Administrator of Resources[/b] - Head of the resources department. Controls distribution of rations. [b]Ambassador[/b] - Head of trade negotiations between colonies and other planets. [b]Chief Engineer[/b] - Coordinates and Designs all construction, maintenance, and station planning. [b]Technologist[/b] - Head of management, operation, and maintenance of the complex operation systems that make up the station. [b]Postmaster[/b] - Head of the the stations electronic messaging systems, and delivery personnel. [b]Chief Physician[/b] - Head of the medical floor. [b]Chronicler[/b] - Head of the stations record database. In charge of the archives, official documents, and reports. [b]Robot Coordinator[/b] - Head of the android, and robots registration, and legalities. [b]Relocation Supervisor[/b] - Head of immigration department. Also monitors the colonies. [b]Dock Director[/b] - Controls the coming and goings of ships. Head of customs department. [b]Agriculture Overseer[/b] - In charge of the stations gardens, greenhouses, and the oxygen forest. [b]Hydro Manager[/b] - Manages the collection and purification of fresh water for the station. [b]Planetarian[/b] - Head of space exploration, and planet research. Number one task is finding a new earth. [b]Media Director[/b] - Head of the media on the station. Broadcasts, advertisements, and campaigns go through them. [b]Warden[/b] - Head of the off-station prison, and criminal tracking. [b]Waste Disposal Rep[/b] - In charge of the stations sanitation, and waste management. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Technology]WIP [hider=Body Mods, Bionics, and Cybernetics] wip [/hider] [hider=Androids and Robotics] [b]EVEdroid[/b]: The most well known and popular brand of androids. ------------------------------- [b]3rd Gen EVEdroid[/b]: These are the newest Generation of EVEdroids. They have only been introduced to the market three months ago. They are 600,000 dollars. They are the most advanced androids to date. Because of how expensive they are, only a dozen have been sold so far, and they are made to order rather then in stores like most androids. It can look after your home, do the cooking, cleaning, minds the kids, organize your appointments, Speaks 600 languages, and is at your disposal as a sexual partner. No need to feed or recharge it, it comes equipped with a quantic battery that makes it autonomous for 170 years. It is the newest Generation of EVE androids. The female version is EVE500, and the male version is called EVE600. It has 100% computer intelligence, Sonar/Radar/Echo/X-ray/night/heat/telescope Vision built in, Ultimate AI capabilities, Speaks 600 languages, and built-in GPS, radio, clock, microphone, camera, and air purifier. [hider=EVE500] This is a 3rd generation EVE500 Personal Android's Appearance [i]without[/i] EVE artificial skin. [img]http://designspartan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/pres_fred20.jpg[/img] Basic Gen 3 EVE500 With EVE Artificial Skin, and no set appearance. [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/314/b/3/android_by_wildlifehoodoo-d4fn3v0.jpg[/img] [/hider] ------------------- [b]Metamorphosis Software[/b]: aka MetaSoft, was created by Icarus N. Berk, one of the most well known scientist/inventors of these modern times. MetaSoft is a microchip that can be implanted into any class 1 Android, as long as they are upgraded with 'EVE artificial skin'. All Gen 3 EVEs come with MetaSoft built in. Gen 2 EVE400 & EVE300s can be brought in for a free implant/download. Otherwise MetaSoft cost $200,000 + another $50,500 for EVE artificial Skin. The Software gives your Android the ability to change there EVE artificial skin's physical appearance: Eyes, skin, and hair can be any color you wish. Freckles, moles, hair length/texture, wrinkles, and tattoos can be added onto your EVE's appearance. Facial features each have 780 options for shape/styles, and in addition add ins for dimples, cleft chin, and pointed ears. You can program up to three appearance into the system. Your first created one, will become the permanent default appearance so choose carefully and take your time after installing MetaSoft. Warning it is Illegal to knowingly copy a real humans appearance without being given stamped written consent by the person you wish to copy, or if the said human has been deceased for over fifty years. please keep this in mind as you start your MetaSoft ideal android creation process. ------------------- [b]EVE Artificial Skin[/b]: Due to the law prohibiting Androids from appearing fully human the EVE skin, is made with open slits on the chest and sides of the torso. The slits are openings that can be opened and closed for repair purposes, like perfect incision. When completely closed the slits look like very faint lines. On the bottom of the left foot sole there is the EVE corporation [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/86/60/3d/86603d157a4edfd9f1d6eb0faa34f1bb.jpg]logo[/url]. On the back of the neck there is two [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/286/d/8/silence_by_velocitti-d5ho4qk.png]plug-in ports[/url], used for downloading, and connection to servers or other electronics. Under ultraviolet light you can see a circuit bored [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/8d/b3/81/8db3815245a9cd43dd6d9e0787e70af5.jpg]pattern[/url] glowing. When eyes are used as a camera, flashlight, processing/loading new information, or when they are using one of the vision abilities their eyes change like [url=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6wnfgmlwj1qdsgl1o1_500.gif]this[/url]. [/hider][/hider] [hider=Cosmarian Race] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=142067&s=55&t=Cosmarian&c=CFCFCF[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xPADDaI.png[/img][/center] Cosmarian are an alien race native to the planet Cosma. Human's first made contact with them 294 years ago, and have since become allies with them. The planet Cosma is half the size of old Earth, and its gravity is 19.40 m/s², thus uninhabitable for humans. The air is made up of about 70% carbon dioxide, 19% oxygen, and 11% nitrogen. The land is lush and buzzing with abundant animal and plant life. The Cosmarian race does not follow any kind of religion, but they do believe that their planet is sacred and taking care of the environment is seen as a natural and spiritual practice. Human religions have also integrated into their society. An average adult male tends to be around 6'0" to 6'5" in height. A woman ranges around 5'9" to 6'1". As you can see from the above photo, Cosmarians are a colorful race, and are plantlike humanoids. Golden sap moves through their veins instead of blood like a human. They are typically slender and willowy. All Cosmarians have bio-luminescent cells in their skin, causing them to glow in the dark. Cosmarian genetics are extremely complex, and nothing like humans, or anything from earth. Where humans evolved from monkeys, Cosmarian evolved from plants. The average lifespan of a Cosmarian is about 120 earth years. Rather then grey hair and wrinkles, old age bring fading of their coloring, and withering of the skin and hair. Practically all Cosmarians speak English, and their native language Ausiru. Traditional Cosma music sounds similar to throat singing, with flute-like instrumentals. They government system is similar to a monarchy. The ruler is called Oso and can choose any blood relative as his successor. They are a peaceful race, and excel in agriculture, and pride themselves on their crafting skills. Before contact with humans, their education system was based on story telling, and parents teaching their children. Now they have the same formal education system as humans. They were a rather Utopian world, before the humans brought their own knowledge, cultures, and ideas into the mix. The older generation struggle to fit into the new world, while the young Cosmarian's love to embrace it all. Human tech has been adapted into their own. And they mainly rely on water and solar power. Cosma joined the planetary alliance 100 years ago. So much of their old ways have integrated with humans, and the Briarri races. Natural Resources found on planet Cosma: WIP Reproduction with other species is impossible. [hider=Native Animals of Cosma.] [u]Doken[/u]: Measuring no more than 2 feet at its standing height and weighing 115 pounds at its heaviest, the Doken is coated in a sleek but soft outer skin that changes pigmentation according to the temperature. When it feels threatened, the Doken produces a acid-like slime, that can cause a painful blistering rash to human skin. To its natural predators the slime can cause three degree acid-burns. Other then that the Doken are friendly, and playful animals. Many Cosma people keep Doken as pets. They are a lot like dogs. [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/047/4/0/monster_no__008_by_onehundred_monsters-d39o5bm.jpg[/img] [u]Udamirus[/u]: Is one of the many aquatic creatures in the Cosma lakes. They are about the size of an earth lobster, and like lobsters they have a hard outer shell body. They are edible, once you crack them open. There claws on the end, can cut your finger off with one pinch. ---- There meat taste like a shrimp mixed with horseradish. [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/043/2/6/monster_no__004_by_onehundred_monsters-d39d4l9.jpg[/img] [u]Bellapia[/u]: They are the equivalent of an earth cow/buffalo, and can grow to be about the size of a elephant. The female Bellapia does not have horns. ---- There meat taste like lemony salmon. [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/048/6/b/monster_no__009_by_onehundred_monsters-d39qodq.jpg[/img] [u]Crondee[/u]: They can grow to be about 20 inches tall, and are very fast runners. They are asexual, and can live to be over 100 years old. The sack on there chest grows bigger and bigger until the Crondee can not walk any more, they then fertilize the eggs inside of it, and leave the sack behind to hatch a month later. The hundreds of tiny babies then eat one another until there is only a dozen or so left, and they are strong enough to go off on there own. After being born it takes about 5 years for the Crondee to be fully grown and start growing its own sack of eggs. ---- The orange sack carries hundreds of caviar jelly like eggs. The eggs are considered a delicacy, and are about the size of a golf ball, they taste like a strange mix of onion, bell peppers, and really salty cheese. [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/102/f/4/monster_no__063_by_onehundred_monsters-d3dugqs.jpg[/img] [u]Venersha[/u]: Are a carnivorous pack animal. They are not friendly and are a full on predators. Fast, extremely strong, and deadly. They are hunted for their bones, tough hide, and claws. Their bones are as strong a steel, and the claws are prized for there beauty, like Ivory. There hide is strong, and fire proof so Cosma people use it for many things. ---- Their meat is edible, but not very palatable to most humans, as it smells ammonia, and taste like slimy rotten milk. Cosma people like it though, and is normally eaten for special occasions. [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/093/3/c/monster_no__054_by_onehundred_monsters-d3d5aqg.jpg[/img] [u]Froowhare[/u]: Razor sharp teeth used for eating smaller birds, fish, and rodents. Feathers are as soft as silk, and Froowhares are great a mimicking sounds other birds. There eggs are about the size of a baseball, and pink in color. The females lay up to 6 eggs a day. ---- The meat from this bird taste like fatty duck, and the eggs like chicken yolks. [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/091/b/3/bestiary_16_by_turtle_rn-d582qdp.jpg[/img] [u]Jowi[/u]: Are excellent swimmers and divers, but also move quickly on land, even over rugged, mountainous terrain. They have a life span of approximately 25 to 30 years. It feeds on leaves, buds, shoots, and small branches it tears from trees, fruit, grasses, and aquatic plants. They are one of the most skittish and unintelligent animals on Cosma. [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/047/a/2/thing_a_day_16_feb_by_wallasaurus-d4py6ww.jpg[/img] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Briarri Race] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=130863&s=65&t=Briarri&c=CCCCCC[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dJ5JwmE.png[/img][/center] Briarri are an alien race native to the planet Wileganox. Human's first made contact with them 48 years ago, and have a neutral relationship with them, but are working on building an alliance. The planet Wileganox is two times the size of old Earth, and its gravity is exactly the same. The air extremely thin, and has 14% less oxygen then earth. Temperatures can get as high as 300 he land is lush and buzzing with abundant animal and plant life. And humans are at risk of Cerebral hypoxia, if the explores the planet without oxygen supplements. Most of the planet is made up of rocky volcanic mountains, and black sand deserts. The Briarri are a hearty warrior people who value strength, honor, and fortitude above all else. They see themselves as a dignified, intelligent, honorable, and strong people. They are a species who shuns the insincerity of politeness and flattery and respects blunt, even tactless, honesty in all things at all times. Briarri do not lie. They love games, gambling, and having a good time. They are the epitome of 'work hard, play hard'. Briarri usually have large horns that grow from their forehead, and many have two tusk-like bottom teeth. It's really all dependent upon genetics more than anything else. They are not born with horns, but the horns start growing during puberty. Skintones come in blue, green, grey, purple, and shades of brown. Both male and females tend to be around 5'5" to 6'0" in height. both genders are rather muscular, and stout. Briarri genetics are very similar to humans. The few differences are that they have two sets of lungs, the obvious physical appearance, and different blood types the humans. The average lifespan of a Briarri is about 70 earth years. Only a quarter of Briarri speak English, as they prefer keeping to their ways, and speaking their native language. Their language is called Briaric. Interestingly enough their culture is extremely similar to ancient earths vikings, with a few Sparta twist. Even their primary religion has eerily similar to vikings myths, gods, and folklore. They government system is somewhat tribal, as there many different groups around the planet, ruled over by chieftains, and warlords. Natural Resources found on planet Wileganox: WIP Briarri and humans can have children together. The resulting offspring is rather unknown, as there are only 12 half breeds to learn from, and they vary greatly in appearance. [hider=Native Animals of Wileganox.] [u]Murcog[/u]: lives in the hottest areas on the planet, and are known to be found bathing in lava rivers. ----It is a an ugly hairless dog like creature, with a rat tail. Extremely unattractive creature, and they smell like rotting flesh and garbage. They have little intelligence, and are carnivores. ---- They are cursorial hunters that catch prey with their teeth rather than claws. They eat food quickly and rip and tare at carcasses rather wildly. ---- There hide can be used as a heat shield of sorts, as it would take something hotter then malting lava to burn it. Their bone marrow is similar to liquid nitrogen, and can be collected and use as such. [img]http://i.imgur.com/x6Jd3yG.jpg?2[/img] [u]Sandu Snake[/u]: It is so venomous, that it leaves a slimy trail of milky blue venom in its wake. ---- They reside in the black sands of the planet, living solitary lives in and around their underground burrows. ---- They can grow to be about 12 feet long. ---- Their skin is used to make belts, boots, and so on. Their eggs are not edible as they are covered in poisons sack. But their meat is edible and used quite a bit in traditional Briarri cuisine. Tastes similar to lutefisk. [img]http://i.imgur.com/MG4ormj.jpg?1[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Colonies] Moon Colony: Population 403,208. This mainly a production colony, that has hundreds of factories. They also are in charge of stations 1-4 trash recycling, and compacting. Founded in 3009 B.C. Mars: Population 4,753,922. Mars was one a small colony, set with the task of terraforming the planet. After 1000 years they succeeded in their task. The planet does not have a magnetic field such as earth, so there is a slight problem with radiation. In 1077 A.O. they broke off from the stations, and claimed themselves as their own nation. They supply about quarter of the stations with fresh foods, and nutrition powder...For a price that is. Citizens of Mars are typically called martians, but are completely human. Founded in 3041 B.C. 1. Nibiru - Terraforming Colony, on planet Pelops. Population 106. 2. Marrakesh - 3. Toole - 4. Kudrew - This a mining colony, on planet Ezekiel. Population 120,002 and steadily rising. They excavate a purple stone called Katar. Katar is the main ingredient in autonomous batteries. It can also be used to make purple dyes/paints. They also have the largest Glass making factory in space, and thus run the monopoly on canning foods. Founded in 693 A.O. 5. Turyn - vc 6. Meguri 7. Elysian - 8. Larzanna - 9. Jaha - 10. Mandala - This is a farming Colony, on planet Yukoona. Population 11,493. They mainly farm soy beans and rice, radishes, and cabbage. They also harvest honey, and new factory was build a few months ago, bring in over 100 new workers, and their families. Founded in 713 A.O. 11. Baltia - 12. Arlo - [/hider] [hider=Stations] 1. Station one aka Avalon, is located in the Milky Way Galaxy orbiting the planet Earth. 2. Station two aka Eden, is located in the Chimera Galaxy orbiting the planet Santhara. 300 years ago an unknown plague killed everyone in the station. It has since been under quarantine, and under strict surveillance by station five's military. A week ago during a routine scan it was indicated that all signs of the virus was gone. Station five is now looking for volunteers to go to Eden and disinfect, clean, fix, and rebuild the place so it can be up and running again within the next decade, and overpopulation can be slightly remedied by sending 2,000,000 million people to live there. 3. Station three aka Valhalla, is located in the Themiscyra Galaxy orbiting the planet Astilbe. 4. Station four aka Atlantis, is located in the Milky Way Galaxy orbiting the planet Jupiter. 5. Station five aka Agartha, is located in the Chimera Galaxy orbiting the planet Cosma. 6. Station six aka Olympus, is located in the Themiscyra Galaxy orbiting the planet Lizol. 7. Station seven aka Lemuria, is located in the Chimera Galaxy orbiting the planet Wileganox. The station specializes in agriculture, and is the primary source of all sevens stations food. This station is not open to the public, and unless you were born there, they only way on it is with a level 7+ farming pass. The pass is only issued to agriculture, plants, farming and research specialists. There is a large docking station for deliveries and transport. They have the lowest population of all seven stations, though are still overcrowded just like the others. [/hider]