[@knighthawk]I like your character and I'm interested in seeing how he will change and evolve throughout the roleplay. So he is accepted as I don't see anything that would need to be changed. Although I do have a question. Does he get any enhancements other than, I assume, strength? Just curious. [@ProjectOdin]I was going to cap this at 8, as we have 8 right now. However, since we were going to have 9 and a player dropped out I feel like I definitely should extend the invitation. Sorry I took so long to do it. I was debating. [@Keksalot]Overall, the backstory is plausible for the Marvel Universe. Mutant's powers typically don't manifest until around the time they turn 13-14 or around the time they hit puberty (hey I didn't write it), but it's still possible for things to come about earlier. Still, I'm not quite sure they'd allow him on the team or at least out in the field with his physical composition. He doesn't really have training or abilities that would work. At most he would probably be like... I'm not sure what to call it. He'd stay back with a computer or whatever and monitor from a safe position. Typically. I'm sure we could think of a way around it. Like yeah gadgets and stuff are good and all, but if you don't have anything that would really work for training, it might not work out. Overall, I'm kind of on the fence with him. He isn't a bad character and would likely do very well and make the story interesting. However, I'm just not sure where he will fit just yet with a team of people who can go out in the field and protect themselves pretty well. [@MThePathSeeker]Another interesting one. Bro, gonna be as unbiased as possible. He is a Juggernaut, but he has exploitable weaknesses. I'm going to watch you very closely. However, you should reread your CS and edit it a bit. First, in the cast of the history, There likely wasn't an Xavier school because he joined up with the Tomorrow Academy. Even if there was, it has likely been assimilated into the Tommorrow Academy for quite some time now. He is a pretty OP character and I hope all the stuff we discussed is fresh in your mind cause if you give me a reason, I will put you down. Regardless, I want us to have fun and I can accept the character. After you edit a bit. Lemme know when it gets done. [@Double Capybara]Dude there is literally so much that can be done with this character. I can accept her with no problems whatsoever. So yeah. You're in. On to the next one lol [@BlackPanther]Alright, Damon looks good. Again, typically mutant would mean his power typically wouldn't manifest until about his teens, but it's nothing too serious. Overall, I can accept him no problem. [@SolasReveal]You PMed me, asked my thoughts, etc. Therefore you already know that I am going to accept your character. She is interesting and I hope the RP can be fun. ALRIGHT GUYS! So I did my best to get this done like I said I would. Had a bit of a busy day and did some stuff, but I wasn't going to sleep without getting this to all of you. Right now the only characters not accepted as you can see are Juggernaut and Bad Boy. Juggernaut because I need M to edit a bit and Bad Boy because I'm just no sure about him... I hate to be that guy... But you know... He's a kid... He could easily die. Which would make for something of a short and tragic story on his part and cause very many problems. Anyway, Gwen, Damon, Alana and Rick can be moved to the character tab and are pretty good to go. [@Avenger]I wanna see results!!!! lol nah you know IRL always comes first, just let me know if you need more time. I won't wait to start, but I'll at least make it easier to work you into the story. PHEW! Did I miss anything??