*rings bell* SHAME! *rings bell* SHAME! *rings bell* SHAME! Though to be honest Kieko and Yusuke aren't as agaonizing as a couple in the manga, as they are in the anime...but damn, I just hate Kieko...she needed more development for me to care about her. >___> And hey, your posts inspire me to write something. How can I sleep when there's shipping to be done??? Botan knows she's smart but school smarts is another matter entirely. She probably can't recall the last time she was inside a classroom. Plus we do get the matter of uncovering Botan's past along with who she was before she died so long ago. I do have a few sad plots in mind for her backstory...But yeah, she'll find a bat or use her oar. And then she can get Spirit World to modify a bat for her while she and Kurama study in the greenhouse together to sort things out. I think it would be so cute if there a dying plant and she made it well again. XD