If any of the terrified civilians in Leviticus IX dared open their windows and peek outside as they cowered in their homes, they would see titans walking down their streets with stomps that shook the earth, their bodies so large they could only see the lower part of their chassis. In another time, they would have been considered gods, but now, they were mere soldiers; a grim truth of the opposition's might. Squad Sigma was split, and had to work on two different sides of the planet. Out of Squad Alpha, Atty arrived first, and scoured the area to the west of the landing zone, but didn't find anything unusual in the city. The rest descended down upon the landing zone, and barely prepared themselves due to their officer's sudden drop in confidence. Squad Bravo was more efficient in this regard, in no small part thanks to junior officer Katya's efforts in organizing. Paladin and Caretaker moved towards the local Planetary Defense Force base, where Katya managed to contact the local military and set up communications with them, ensuring there was synergy between the two units. When they discovered the base was made of incredible dense crystallized Carbonox and thus practically indestructible, Paladin took up a defensive position by climbing on top of the building's roof. Cadet Twilight set up a shooting spot in a wide avenue predicted to be used as a landing zone for enemy infantry, and Cadets Zim and Elora worked together in mapping out the colony and possible weak points. Then, about 2 hours, 27 minutes and 12 seconds later, the moment of truth came as a flash of light from the sky. Wormholes suddenly twisted into existence, followed by them vomiting out spaceships that looked partly metallic and partly organic in a horrendous mix of biotechnology; there was no doubt it was the Cruxi fleet. Suddenly, a painful screech emerged from the Framewerk command channel, followed by static; the Cruxi jammed the entire planet's comms network, and even prevented the Framewerks from contacting the command channel, except squad Bravo, who managed to get a boosted signal through the jamming thanks to Caretaker's Hyperwave Communications Array, opening up the intelligence pathway like the mythic Moses would part the ocean in humanity's ancient lore. The gargantuan battleships released troopships and war machines like an angry beehive, and the sky was colored with green fire as plasma rained from the sky. [url=http://i.imgur.com/yD09nVw.jpg]Troop ships[/url] quickly descended down and opened fire on the PDF forces as [url=http://i.imgur.com/hOMKkuw.jpg]hordes of aliens resembling insectoid gorillas and wielding highly-advanced plasma rifles[/url] began assaulting the streets, decked out in personal barriers that absorbed bullets like sponges. Among them were also [url=http://i.imgur.com/IAEwjCS.png]nightmarish long-legged beasts[/url] that crawled and jumped at astonishing speed, leaving the soldiers in disarray and chaos as their own corpses were turned against them. But this was only a prelude to the true insanity that was to come, signaled by quakes that shook the very ground like it was the apocalypse; [url=http://i.imgur.com/RDfy06e.jpg]Cruxi War Machines[/url] wielding either super-powered plasma cannons or giant glowing scythe-like arms emerged in groups of three around the colony. Elora cried out as her estimates turned out to be wrong; they weren't as spread out as she predicted and willing to take over key objectives like power plants and such. Instead the groups seemed to form a circle of some kind. But then she realized why, and her breath escaped her as she gazed above the city. A strange substance dripped down from the sky and landed in the area surrounded by the CWMs. It constantly swirled and changed color, and throbbed, pulsating like a living creature. Then, the pool of goo twisted up like a tornado and formed a [url=http://i.imgur.com/5ehpaQO.png]glowing sphere resembling a miniature planet[/url]. To Squad Sigma's horror, the seemingly invincible super weapon was deployed at both colonies. Harold seemed to panic as he rushed straight at Mist, attempting to shoot it down while it was still forming. The Rostosov endured the heavy barrage of plasma cannons directed at him. The Magus also set out, and attempted to flank it as the Framewerk moved to the north charging up a shot of his Lightning ElectroLaser that he believed would outright destroy the strange, twisting liquid. But, as with many tales of war, this one would end with death. A sudden sharp sound of what seemed to be air rushing into fill the void rang through the air. The Rostosov was hit in it's exposed back, sending it falling down, and the resulting bombardment of titanium-melting hellfire quickly sealed any hope of saving him. Another shot landed on the Magus, hitting it's firing arm and tearing it off, causing the Frame to fall over from the impact. As a result, the LEL missed hitting the deadly sphere, and the weapons managed to fully form into their imposing figures at both Troas and Joppa. It turned out that the two were hit by [url=http://i.imgur.com/sSDa3H9.jpg]weird units[/url] that seemed to act like snipers. Then, in the distance they could see strange shapes prowling through the streets, running on all fours, until they [url=http://i.imgur.com/6jCfvfR.jpg]saw the building-sized monstrosities[/url] that headed towards them, their tentacle-like appendages whipping around in a frenzy. All around the planet, the fires of war emerged, and they were of unnatural color, origin, and end. The valiant PDF troopers, with their superiority in numbers, barely held back the appalling assault, with no end in sight for the nightmare. With the heavy casualties incurred before the battle has even begun, it seemed as if there was no hope left for the valiant pilots of Squad Sigma... [hr] To the east of Troas lies Nazareth, a tiny colony of only 150 million. While not as important as the two capital colonies, it is a major source of agriculture for the planet, filled with big domes wherein fertile crops are grown and distributed to the other colonies. To protect it, an auxiliary unit was sent in to protect the valuable resource; the Doom Squad. Named after a mythical space marine who has been believed to have fought a one-man war against an otherworldly invasion, it is led by the squad officer Jason Diavolus, and includes Xane Sterling, Celeste Sezia and Barry Montreno. As the planetary attack began they were given orders to stand their ground and repel any invaders, but suddenly a new order came from their HQ after a bit of static: "Troas is under heavy assault. Head out there and eliminate the threats. Ov-" The comms suddenly turned to static again. However, it was then that Nazareth was also attacked; by two Cruxi War Machines and a single tentacled beast that roared as it charged straight at Jetto Chosa's direction. The battle for Leviticus IX has begun.