[hider=Alice Barrett] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Alice Barrett[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Shortcut[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]26[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5ft 2[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]90lbs[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT][/INDENT] [h3][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Blonde[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Blue[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Irish Caucasian[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT] Alice is slim and petite, standing a bare five foot two in height, and with little to her form in terms of weight. Her chest, always a source of embarrassment, is as flat as they come, and she frequently wears expensive push up bras in an attempt to make them look far more substantial than they actually are. The theme is continued elsewhere, and with her diminutive figure she could easily be mistaken for a boy at a distance. She wore her blonde hair long in some attempt to preserve what little feminine appearance she had, but thanks to a rather heated encounter with a pyrokinetic metahuman she was forced to have what the stylist referred to as emergency hair surgery. As a result it is now cropped extremely short, and only highlights her boyish figure, much to her mortification. [/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT] Though she tries to wear more feminine attire, her career as a RAVEN agent means that practical, hard wearing clothes are far more appropriate than dresses and skirts. In her off time however, she favours summer dresses and relaxed skirts, being extremely self-conscious about her boyish figure. Her skin is, or was, unblemished, apart from a large, vicious looking scar, still raw looking, as though fresh. The scar twists down and across her neck, interfering with her extensive tattoos, with two full sleeves that spiral and entwine across her chest and back. [/INDENT] [h3][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Alice is a difficult person to get a handle on, a person full of contradictions. Perhaps one of her defining traits is her faith, it doesn’t quite fit, but it is irrevocably part of her, even if she occasionally struggles with the responsibilities and beliefs that come with it. She doesn’t force her faith on others however, or at least she tries not to, as long as they don’t bother her, she won’t bother them. That said, she is particularly uncomfortable around homosexuals, though she rarely expresses actual disapproval, anyone who knows her can identify her discomfort. Mostly she is fairly easy going, and even tends to a slightly mischievous, if repetitive sense of humour. She has a habit of teleporting into close proximity of colleagues without warning, it hardly reduces her to uproarious laughter, but it usually brings a smirk to her face. She’s usually smiling, and finds herself comfortable amidst her peers, with thick skin and the ability to easily turn the other cheek. At least about most things. She can be self-conscious regarding her appearance, she has an undeniably boyish figure, and drawing attention to that will only embarrass and anger her. She won’t hold onto her anger for long though, and is nothing if not forgiving. She has a lot of time for people, and despite her somewhat warped sense of humour makes friends easily. Perhaps in this quality she is developing the skills of a born leader, hardly honed, but someone who could easily take command of a difficult situation. [/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Optional[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT] Make-up, seriously, Alice could be a make-up artist professionally, and has a knack for applying cosmetics with a touch that makes it near invisible, while also being capable of giving someone a complete makeover at the same time. Capoeirsta, Alice is a practiced and experienced user of Capoeira, primarily for its uses in combat, though she also enjoys it’s more recreational aspects. Drinking, so she’s five foot two and weighs 90 pounds, she’ll still drink you under the table without breaking a sweat. Cop Instincts, Alice comes from a family of police officers, has been brought up with, raised with stories about the people they dealt with on their beats, about raids, about crime and punishment. She has the kind of instincts you would find on a veteran beat cop, able to tell when someone is lying, or needs her to step in and help. [/INDENT] [b]Goals/Motivation[/b] [INDENT]Alice is, in her heart of hearts, a cop, and sometimes that's all she wants to be, to forget all the confusion that came with her abilities, albeit not directly linked to them. Part of her just wants to keep her head down, to forget about her partner and the things that happened in New York. There is an iron core of duty in her, and she wants to make her parents proud, and maybe, one day, look back at something she's done and be able to feel proud of that too.[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT] Mom was a cop, dad was a cop, it seemed that it was just a matter of time before Alice followed in the family footsteps. At least after her brief period of rebellion when she turned eighteen, time in her life that cost her several thousand dollars and left her with an exquisite set of tattoo, back, and chest tattoos. She regrets the decision, but is still oddly proud of the art upon her skin. Only a year later Alice was enrolled in the NYPD Academy, and true to her roots, to her heritage, she proved to be a natural, being raised a cop probably had something to do with it. She graduated with honours, and was assigned a position as a beat cop at the tender age of twenty-one, and appeared in the accident and emergency room rather soon afterwards. Quite literally. A year after beginning her new job, she popped out of thin air into the middle of the accident and emergency room of Mount Sinai. One moment there was no one there, the next a uniformed patrol officer had collapsed, blood pumping from a vicious cut in her neck. She was fortunate, had she been anywhere else, out on the street, any further than a minute from a hospital, then she would have died. As it was she was left with an eye catching, raw looking scar, and permanent damage to her vocal cords. DOVE visited her in hospital to register her as a metahuman, and to discuss her options now that she had developed abilities. It wasn’t long before she officially left the NYPD, transferred indefinitely to RAVEN, both for training in the use of her newfound gifts, and to put them to good use in policing those that normal police forces had to leave alone. Though certain of her police instincts had to find a new home once she had formally joined RAVEN, she showed a talent for her duties, and was often able to talk down newly developed, or unstable metas from dangerous situations, as well as judging when those situations were about to go south rapidly. She was doing well, until her relationship with her last partner took a direction she wasn’t expecting, wasn’t prepared for, and was somewhat in denial of. She immediately requested a transfer to a different city, it was expedited, and she arrived in Baybridge only three weeks ago. [/INDENT] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Father - Sean Barrett Mother - Michelle Barrett[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent][h3]| [b]Cindy Keagan[/b] |[/h3] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Friend[/b] | [i]"Quote Here."[/i] |[/indent] [indent] Alice has not been herself since transferring to Baybridge, thanks, in part, to the events that led to her transfer. She's kept up her normal appearances but occasionally a darker mood shines through, even when she's with co-workers and friends. She's beginning to feel better, in part thanks to the efforts of Cindy to socialise with her.[/indent] [indent][h3]| [b]Maxine Diaz[/b] |[/h3] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Co-worker[/b] | [i]"Quote Here."[/i] |[/indent] [indent] Alice hasn't had time to get to know Maxine yet, she's only recently been transferred to Baybridge, so has mostly been preoccupied with induction, briefing, debriefing, and the myriad amounts of paperwork that come with dropping your life and moving to a new city at a moment's notice. She has picked up that Cindy has some misgivings about the RAVEN, though not due to Cindy's behaviour around Max in professional environments.[/indent] [h3][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Other[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [indent]Alice has the ability to quite literally break the laws of physics, to bend the very fabric of space itself. Put simply, Alice can traverse great distances in the blink of an eye, or, in laymans terms, teleport. Effectively, Alice moves from one place to another without bothering to cross the space in between. This ability can displace liquids and gasses upon travel, though not solids. This ability has a potentially long range, and Alice can jump up to two miles at a time. Multiple short range jumps can be accomplished extremely rapidly and with pin point precision in line of sight. [/indent] [b]Limits:[/b] [indent]Alice can carry people with her, but only a maximum of two, any more than that and any attempt to jump would likely fail and end in a crippling migraine for Alice. Jumping with new passengers can also lead to a strong sense of nausea for the passengers, even vomit if they are particularly unaccustomed to it. They can grow used to this sensation after enough time and experience of it. Also, although Alice can jump by herself with ease, adding even one passenger can rapidly tire her out. Also, although she can displace gas and liquid when teleporting, solids are not nearly as accommodating, and if Alice does not already know an area well she could end up reappearing halfway into a wall, and the wall would win. Her current maximum range is two miles, but that would push her to her limits, exhausting her and potentially even making her throw up.[/indent] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [indent]Jumping takes a lot out of Alice, she is quite literally generating the energy required to leap across space in an instant, and she therefore burns energy and calories at an accelerated rate, and consumes copious amounts of greasy and fattening foods, without it having the slightest effect on her figure. She needs to consume somewhere in the region of twelve to fifteen thousand calories a day, more if it’s particularly strenuous. Her ability isn’t silent; displacing such a large amount of air makes a distinctive, solid, thump of suddenly compressed air. Long distance jumps take more out of her, with reaching her maximum range causing migraines, blackouts, and often vomiting. She also needs to be familiar with the area she is jumping to if it is long distance or a blind jump. She may be able to teleport with pinpoint accuracy if she can see her target, but teleporting to something she can’t see can easily end with her buried up to her waist in the earth or halfway through a wall. She also maintains whatever momentum she has when she teleports, so if she falls off a building, she’d have to react pretty quickly in order to catch herself. Teleporting once she has acquired enough speed will still leave her travelling fast enough to leave her a smear on the pavement.[/indent] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT] [list][*]Alice was raised a strict Catholic, carries a Rosary and visits Church every Sunday. [*] She has some internalised homophobic views, partly thanks to her extremely strict Roman Catholic upbringing, and partly thanks to her own insecurities and fears about her own sexuality. [*]Alice suffered permanent damage to her vocal cords when she was attacked, and sounds perpetually hoarse, she also struggles to raise her voice above the volume of normal speech.[/list] [/INDENT] [/hider]