[center][hr][hr][h1][color=f26522][b]Cynthia[/b][/color] [b]& [color=82ca9d]Marc[/color][/b][/h1] [/center][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Gym[/center][hr] Marc made his way out of the office and glanced around, needing to find Tim and get an update of what all he had found out already. Craning his neck a bit he spotted him with Riley and a face he hadn't been expecting to see, Jacob. When had he gotten there? Must have been while he was with Ashley. Rubbing the back of his neck he glanced back at the office and sighed. He wasn't exactly sure what to do about Ashley at this point. He had opened up to her, like she wanted. Maybe there was nothing he could do. It wasn't like he had asked her to leave her boyfriend for her. as far as he knew she had not feelings for him anymore, hadn't since before the prom. They had been distant friends at best over the years, she had dated many other guys from Atlas to Al. He hadn't been in the equation in a decade. Turning he made his way over to the small group that was talking, over hearing Jacob saying something about not having proof of his tickets and Riley chiming in about how he could prove such a thing. He had to chuckle a bit, Riley way a blunt one wasn't she? Perking a brow he heard Cynthia mumbling a bit. Instead of her usual flat out talking to herself, this was more quiet and it made him wonder just what the crazy girl was up to but figured it was better not to pry right then and wait to talk to Ada tomorrow abut Cynthia. She was always able to get through to the girl. [color=82ca9d]"So, what's going on?"[/color] he said as he stepped over to the four. Tim stood there explaining what he had learned so far. That the dress in the image was Riley's and that Jacob had no alibi for the last day. [color=82ca9d]"Well you picked an interesting time to show up Jacob,"[/color] Marc said as he took the tablet from Tim and started going over the images that were being sent in on the other murders. "Oh and well, Cynthia was going on about stars. Turns out the crazy girl over there was on to something," Tim said as he handed over the year book and pointed at the superlatives image. Marc looked at the picture and his brow arched. [color=82ca9d]"So anyone of these people are a potential target, isn't that peachy. Time, it also means that Jacob is a potential target,"[/color] Marc added as he thought things through. Tim rolled his eyes a bit. "And him just now showing up, doesn't that make him a suspect?" Tim quipped. [color=82ca9d]"No more than you since you haven't been here all day,"[/color] Marc noted as he went back to looking at the tablet. Tim narrowed his eyes slightly. "Accusing me Tinder?" Tim snapped. [color=82ca9d]"Nope, just saying it is very easy to point fingers at almost anyone at this point. So pull back some and get over to the office to coordinate your officers. We need to try to contact the rest of those that could be in danger before we do anything else." [/color]