[hider=Queen Xeno] Name: Xeno Gender: Female Age: 38 Species: Witched profession: Queen Born in: Bomen, in the city of Durgth. Alignment: Appearance: [img]http://cdn.breathecast.com/data/images/full/32909/the-evil-queen-of-once-upon-a-time.jpg[/img] Black hair, milk chocolate coloured skin with dark green almost soulless eyes. She has a very slender figure, her body makes many men ‘worship’ her. She has almost florescent purple eyes that gleam in the darkness, the eyes are very deceptive often making people see monster or see her to be taller than she is if only he eyes are seen. Personality: Cold hearted and deceptive, she isn’t afraid of manipulating anyone not even the king. She knows how to talk her way out of most situations and tends to use her body as a way to get what she wants. She is aggressive but intelligent and likes to out manoeuvre and out think her victims. Bio: She was from a royal family in Bomen that still existed at the time. Her family were a group of witches that hid themselves among the humans. She hated her family and could not wait to destroy them and get rid of a potential threat of succession. At the age of 28 she was sent to go meet the mad wolf king who was 18 at the time, although he wasn’t called that at the time he was just called King Ainmire. It was clear when they looked into each others eyes that they both wanted the same thing, Power. After a lot of meeting up and getting to know each other the king felt that she was a worthy candidate of being queen, he was impressed with her knowledge and feisty nature and quickly chose her as his wife. After the Marriage was official and she was named Queen they began preparations on how to take down and Conquer Bomen. Power 1: Black Magic This includes: summoning the dead, manipulating darkness, demon summoning Power 2: the elements Likes: to play with her victims and mess with their heads Dislikes: when her victim escapes, evades or deceives her Family: N/A unless you count the king (technically family because they are married) Friends: N/A Sentimental Attachment: Drathnore Weapon: She use potions, Bow & arrow, weaponised boomerang and throwing knives. Other: Pet Name: Drathnore Pet Age: 24 Pet Gender: Male Pet Species: HippoGriff Pet Apperance:[img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/bc99/f/2014/027/b/f/hippogriff_by_isvoc-d73zgk0.png[/img] Pet Personality: He cautious but very intelligent. He likes to keep himself in the darkness and remain hidden. He is very quiet. Even though he can speak English he only speaks to the king and the queen. He will occasionally ignore the king but he will never ignore the queen. He fears the Queen far more than the king. Pet Power 1: Illusion Magic Pet Power 2: Body Transmutation – the ability to change his body into different things and use them as a weapon, ex- metal feather daggers shoot down on enemies. [/hider]