[color=0076a3][b][center][h2]Jason "Phoenix" Diabolus | Doom Squad Officer | Nazareth[/h2][/center][/b][/color] [hr] [center][b]A pile of ash sits alone on a pedestal, unkindled.[/b][/center] Deep blue eyes opening slowly, the boy took in the soft glow of his frame's cockpit. Reaching forward from his seat, the boy gently pat the command console in front of him and spoke softly to the frame. [color=0076a3][b]"Ready, Ribasu? This is the real thing."[/b][/color] He said before a sudden, painful screeching echoed through the cabin. The boy let out a yelp of surprise as he covered his ears and rapidly hit some controls to reboot the comms. When they came back up, the soft blue glow from the diagnostics displayed in front of the boy. Apparently the command channel was offline, meaning either they were being jammed or got taken out. Jason was willing to bet on it being jammed, which meant the assault was underway. He was finally about to face his enemy, get revenge for all his loved ones back home. As he thought about this, the boy's gaze shifted towards the picture in the corner of the cockpit. A relic from when he still had his family, their last trip to go camping together. A new determination gripped the boy as he flipped his comms online, ready to communicate with his squad. [center][b]The ash begins to twitch, smoke rising from the pile.[/b][/center] [b][i]"Troas is under heavy assault. Head out there and eliminate the threats. Ov-"[/i][/b] came a static filled voice on command's line. Immediately, Jason flipped his side on to transmit in return. [color=0076a3][b]"Transmitting in the blind, command was received, over. But first we need to deal with inbound."[/b][/color] he said in a calm voice before switching to his squad link. [color=0076a3][b]"Alright, hope you two got your warpaint on. We've got inbound, so we need to mop up quickly here. Troas is under heavy assault and they need our help. Jetto, transform and give me details on any weak point you see on hostiles. I'm also going to need you to draw some fire from one of the warmachines. Stay alive."[/b][/color] The boy said as he watched the massive opponents charged towards Jetto Chosa. As he was talking, the boy had begun firing up the Railgun's charge sequence. Going for a quick charge, Jason settled for a shot that would pierce light armor, and dent medium armor. As he did so, the railgun would pop up over his massive frame's shoulder and target the tentacled beast that was charging his friend. [center][b]A faint glow begins to emerge from the ash.[/b][/center] [color=0076a3][b]"Guardian, engage the Warmachine on your Three O'clock. Sniper range at first, try to see if we can get them without having to get in close. I've got the beast."[/b][/color] The boy said as he checked on the charge of the railgun. It was a clear shot from where Ribasu was to the charging beast. Thanks to their current location on the outskirts of the city. Without further ado, the boy let his shot rip from the railgun. Like a bolt of lightning, a sudden streak of light appeared between the large gun and its target as the shot raced across the distance between faster than the blink of an eye. Accompanied by a thunderous roar and a small shockwave from where the projectile left the barrel. The attack seeming to be like a masterbolt thrown by some god or titan from above. After his shot fired, the boy flicked the switch to open his missile silos, ready in case the beast was still standing. [center][b]With a shockwave of flame, a burning Phoenix bursts from the ash. Reborn to smite its enemies.[/b][/center]