[h2][color=9d00f7]S[color=e1ac3d]u[/color]a[color=e1ac3d]v[/color]o[/color][/h2] [color=9d00f7]Suavo took an exaggerated bow at Velhni's praise, and came up grinning once again. He took the bottle, popped the top and had a hearty swig. [color=e1ac3d]"I'm celebrating all week"[/color] he replied. [color=e1ac3d]"This festival is a massive, five-day-long party and I am never slowing down. Big shows, side shows, games booths, and whatever else I can pack in when I'm not on the job - it's all go.[/color] "Who'd have thought we get all this just to celebrate something nobody remembers? [/color] [h2][color=6ecff6]Kumanu[/color][/h2] Kumanu watched as most of the crowd dispersed. He himself had been standing right at the back. With his kanoka launcher on his back, he couldn't get in front of any but the tallest matoran without blocking their view. Still, he'd need it for the exhibition akilini match later on this afternoon, and he didn't plan on going home again before the Ko-Congro Condors took on the Ta-Congro Titans. As more of the matoran moved away and the place became less crowded, he wandered further towards the front.