[color=8493ca]Isadora Fey[/color] Isadora was awoken before her cell door was open by the chattering of the rats through the walls, it was a little nerve wracking to hear them and their odd little conversations. Since she couldn't see the rats it was almost like she heard voices in her head, wouldn't that be something? She continued to lay down in the bed, her crimson eyes staring at the cement wall, she felt extremely weak and she didn't know if she had the strength to actually get up and out of bed. There was no way she could sleep however due to the rapid movements of the baby in her womb, she figured that she must be hungry. She eventually managed to push herself up on her thin arms and awkwardly crawled out of the sheets, a chill passing over her very thin body. She went over to the mirror to look over herself, her thin, yet delicate hands ran down her round belly, although she was only five months, she looked farther along due to her emancipated frame. It was still strange to her that she was actually going to have a baby... It wasn't something she really planned on ever doing. She turned away from the mirror and opened the door of her cell and walked down to the cafeteria. When Isadora arrived at the cafeteria, her eyes were wide and her body was shivering, she didn't really know any of the other patients and felt deathly shy around them. She wasn't really hungry too hungry, even if she should be... So, she picked up a bright red apple that was shining in the harsh lighting of the cafeteria. She sat by herself in an isolated corner and started to nibble on the apple, glancing around at the other patients as if she was on guard to attack. The rats were still chattering and it made her uneasy. [color=8493ca]"Shut up... Shut up..."[/color] She whispered to herself.