Okay, this is what I am thinking - Rework it and allow the same characters - so anyone wanting to join back up won't have to worry about making a new CS if they don't want to. I am thinking of making it a bit more random. Not the sit down and such - until the end. And then it only be your top three choices after the week is over. (This will also keep us from having to worry if people drop out) - Also, opening it up to not just a set group of people but where new comers can come in at any point and be tossed in later on. (Make it to where the new comers would be given the "CS" of the currently in play characters and let them go ahead and "Target" the ones they they like the most on paper.) How does that sound? We could say the current one got cancelled due to a hurricane that was coming in, so they set it up for your character to try a new week on them. (So you could already know the ones from this RP and not have to strip out what they learned on the speed dating if they got to sit down with them.)