[hider=Independent Humans] [/hider] [u][center] ~ ~ ~[/center][/u] [hider=Independent Ghouls] [hider=Jiko Gisei (self sacrifice)][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DUKu0g5.png[/img] [i]“ These flowers are all I was. They represent me in the here and now. Do you see how they fall between the cracks of my hands. How I’m losing my hold on them. I’m afraid I’m not me anymore and that I never will be again.”[/i][hr][/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Jiko once saw the world in many colors, cherished the individual in everyone and wished for only peace. After the Spade’s Gang declaration of war on humanity, he’s found it exceedingly hard to hold on to these views. The war has spilled over and now it seems like all the world sees is black and white. Ghoul and human. Prey and predator. He often wonders with all the curiosity of a four year old where he fits in that absolute perception. He, a half-human half-ghoul being. He’s been holding back the urge to gorge on another human, hating himself for his mistakes and waiting for his upcomings. While still hoping for a guiding light. He is quite frankly, to be completely blunt, a cry baby. [b]History:[/b] Jiko, since birth was an ill child. The asthma he had inherited from his father was severe enough to homeschool him. He was never allowed to go outside for longer than a hour and had daily doses of his machine to quell the wheezing. Completely foolish and immature, one day he decided he’d had enough of his parent’s watchful eyes and went to the lake near his grandparent’s home. His father and mother was too busy conversing with grandma and grandpa to realize his escape. Unfortunately he hadn’t gotten far. An attack spurred in his chest, collapsing him outside on the ground. He reached for the inhaler he usually carried around but had forgotten in the house. It was that moment that he realized life was meant to be so much more than simply living. When they noticed he was missing twenty minutes later, he was rushed to the hospital. They stabilized him quickly, reprimanded the parents lightly, and reprimanded him even harsher. It time spent in the car, on the way back home that changed him for the better. It was horrifically silent. No matter how he apologized or pleaded for repose from it, his parent’s only ignored him with a too dedicated amount of effort. It was as if they were no longer there. Only their bodies had been left, he remembered thinking. The moment they stepped inside, his father knelt down and gripped his arm with such emotion that it hurt. The man looked up with tears swelling and begged him to promise not to scare them like that again. Jiko being the cry baby he was, sobbed uncontrollably and did so. Years went by and he eventually would get into an incident while traveling with his mother. Since that fateful night over his grandparents’ house she had redoubled her efforts to oversee his health. Now seventeen, he rides with his mother until an accident careens them into a tree. The car is wrapped around a thick trunk when he awakes, his mother’s innards spill from her mouth and she stares towards him with her arm, crooked and broken, reaching out towards him. He fainted immediately from the horror. When he awoke in the hospital nearly three weeks later, he was told they had to transplant his heart. Since his release, he’s disastrously chomped on his father’s shoulder and fled from home. This being around the time of the Spade’s Gang demands. Now he wanders the dystopian city, starving himself to near death and pondering ways to kill himself. [b]Mask:[/b] None. [b]Kagune Type:[/b] Rinkaku [b]Kagune Description:[/b] His rinkaku takes the form four arrow-headed tendrils, each tendrils is about the length of a pencil in width, with downward curved appendages to shred his opponents following its length to his lower back. These tendrils and curved blade can straighten his tentacles into double-edge blades for cutting or act as a unique projectile and fire off the arrow-head towards his enemies before acquiring replacements one-minute later. His rinkaku offers a less than stellar regenerative rate for some reason. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Independent [/hider] [/hider] [u][center] ~ ~ ~[/center][/u] [hider=Other] [/hider]