Looks like I'll be the first to put up a second character for review. [hider=Birdie] [b]Name:[/b] Birdie [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Age: [/b] 30 [b]Series: [/b] Street FIghter [b]Appearance: [/b] [img] http://img10.deviantart.net/df6c/i/2015/170/f/6/birdie_street_fighter_v__by_viniciusmt2007-d8xyx5w.jpg [/img] [b]Equipment: [/b] [list][*] Two Birdie chains, kept around his forearms, with which he is very skilled. The ornaments on the ends of the chains –facsimiles of his head- have a remarkable capacity for hooking onto clothing or the chain itself, making it very easy for them to grab opponents [*] Birdie almost always has an array of food stashed away on his person, most often donuts, soft drinks, cans of beer, or bananas. He also makes sure to have a spicy red pepper on him at all times, for emergencies. [/list] [b]Abilities: [/b] [list][*] Massive size -6'8”, 507 lbs (230 kg)- and strength make him very tough to fight head-on and even tougher to topple. He is adept at brute-force brawling, and retains some skill from his wrestling career. [*] When angry, excited, or both, Birdie gets overheated, making him faster and allowing him to take some hits without even flinching. Eating spicy peppers can put him into this state for an extended time. [*] Birdie has a talent for finding food and a creativity in storing it on his person; to an observer, it might seem like he can produce drinks and snacks from nowhere. [/list] [b]Weaknesses and Limitations: [/b] Birdie's size makes him slow and easy to dodge for fast-moving enemies. His technique is not very developed, focusing on whatever hurts the most rather than efficiency, elegance, or precision. In terms of mental shortcomings, he is dim-witted, easy to provoke, somewhat lazy, and definitely brash. [b]Personality:[/b] Violent, short-tempered, dim-witted, and generally unkind to those around him, Birdie is a rude, crass brute. That said, he has a companionable nature, will do his best to repay any debts, and is very appreciative of kindness done to him, particularly food. He is an unabashed glutton, though he enjoys eating and drinking more with others, preferably not of an uptight nature. Though never possessed of a habit to mince words or dispense niceties, he is not wantonly aggressive to others. Birdie's not the kind of man to make friends easily, but he does treasure friendships he does manage to achieve. He's got a pronounced sense of humor and an emotive nature, and while he hates being looked down on in any regard he's perfectly willing to help friends out despite a general tinge of laziness. Along with food, alcohol, making money, and his own unique style, he loves to fight, and considers the kind of friend to take a punch and give one right back to be the best kind. He's got a problem with authority, and few scruples when it comes to breaking the law, but he doesn't get a rise out of committing crimes. All in all, Birdie epitomizes brutish vivacity—he lives life the way he wants, and holds nothing back. [b]Backstory: [/b] Birdie first gained renown as a professional heavyweight wrestler, teaming with occasional rival Titanic Tim  as the "500 Million Trillion Powers". He turned to a life of crime when his wrestling career ended, doing some street fighting on the side to add to his income, as well as nightclub bouncing. About the time he developed a serious case of vitiligo, his notoriety earned him an invitation to the first World Warrior tournament, where he threw his weight around to great effect but was eliminated by the Japanese martial artist Ryu. Falling deeper into a life of crime, he eventually discovered the secret organization Shadaloo, and, tracking down their leader, M. Bison, demonstrated his fighting skills in order to join them. Bison only consented, however, because he wanted a test subject, and he used Birdie to perform painful and demeaning experiments. Birdie resolved to get even, Sneaking into a Shadaloo data room, he learned about the Psycho Drive machine, not aware that M. Bison was watching him. Thinking he could use it to overthrow Bison and become lord of Shadaloo himself, he set out to find it. Bison sent the boxer Balrog to kill Birdie, but Birdie convinced Balrog to help him instead by telling him how the Psycho Drive could make them powerful. Hindered by Balrog's incompetence, however, Birdie ultimately failed to find the Drive. Shortly after, he quit Shadaloo, provoked by the insistence of one of its leaders, F.A.N.G., that he destroy his signature hairdo and wear a standard-issue hat instead. After narrowly avoiding Chun-Li, he encountered the heiress Karin Kanzuki at her estate, where the two engaged in battle. After impressing her with his fighting skill, he revealed -in the course of a huge, scrumptious meal- of his recent activities, and Karin offered to let him stay. She reasoned that maintaining the loyalty of Birdie, whose abandonment proved the poor leadership of Shadaloo, would prove herself to be a consummate leader. After learning that this meant free and unlimited food whenever he wanted, Birdie accepted, and when not freeloading at the Kanzuki estate he can be found working for the family at whatever tasks they might appoint for him. [/hider]