Aleksandra once again held her necklace close as she huddled in the boat with the other operatives. She whispered muted prayers to herself under her breath, seeking forgiveness for the horrors she would be visiting upon these people - no matter how much they deserved it. Killing, no matter how righteous, would always be a tragedy - the death itself indeed, and the damage to the killer’s psyche moreso in this case, that it was necessary the greatest tragedy at all. Aleksandra sighed to herself as she felt the adrenaline begin to circulate in anticipation - despite her spiritual misgivings about killing she was a fighter. Killing came naturally to her, the first man she had killed hadn’t even been in military service - it’d been during a fight over… something, she didn’t even remember now. All she could remember was the rush of a fight, the knife sliding between his ribs… She shook her head, philosophy could wait until she had, hopefully, returned from the mission alive and in one piece. Right now she had higher priorities, and, finishing her prayer somewhat awkwardly, having just broken from remembering that day. Looking up at Merlin she processed his words for a moment, she’d heard everything he’d said despite being lost in thought, and after a moment’s thought no better plan of action had come to mind. Drawing her knife she spun it expertly in hand, face contorted in a savage glare as she remembered the sightless eyes and agonized faces of those who had died in gas attacks right in front of her. “Sounds good to me. Overwatch is keeping away nasty surprise, yes?” She calmed down slightly, slipping the knife back in its sheath as she mulled over the tactical situation some more in her mind. Her accent was thick as usual, but still perfectly clear - at least to anyone used to it. Whatever his answer, she refocused on the rapidly approaching shoreline. Moving ashore quickly and quietly with minimal fuss, she quirked an eyebrow as the one Canadian - Tyler, she remembered- moved over next to her. She gave him a noncommittal shrug in response to his question, “For now I would stick with Wizard. Tell me if anything big catches your eye and we move to eliminate it. For now…” she pulled her knife out again, twirling it around her fingers playfully before clamping down on it in an icepick grip, “Tracheostomy time.”