[@Bourgeoisie] Never played it, sadly. [@Emma] and [@Marshall] 2nding that motion too. An alien threat would be nice, especially if they're technologically on par with humans. You could easily see humanity getting very cosy in their technological superiority when all of a sudden, what ho? A foe? And in good old Mass Effect style, maybe they need the Cosmarians and Briari help to win. A question about the stations/technology though. With stations in different galaxies, how the flip do they get there? Thats... [i]a lot[/i] of space to traverse. I guess you could go some kind of Hyperdrive type deal, cause even with Faster than Light travel it'd take millions of years. It would also be super difficult to communicate with the space stations not in your own galaxy. There would be some serious lag. Unless, given that they were able to jump between galaxies, they had to go back to sending physical mail to each other. In which case I just thought of a [i]great[/i] character :D